Thursday, February 12, 2015

Yep, still preggo.

So let's play catch up. I have been the worst blogger in all of history- if you can even call me a blogger anymore!

I'm currently 39 weeks pregnant. The most pregnant I've ever been, actually. I had Gage a little over 38 weeks and honestly, I thought I'd have had this girl in my arms over a week ago! Gage was BAM CONTRACTIONS, head to the hospital, and 6 hours later I had a baby. Welllllll Saylor has been quite the opposite and I feel like I've lived the past week in a constant contraction! Twice we were ready to load up and head to the hospital with contractions 3 minutes apart and BAM they stopped. And even my doctor thought I was in labor Monday at my appointment as I was having them every 3-5 minutes, but I'm only at 3 centimeters and despite all the contractions I'm having-- they just aren't dilating me. Long story short- they could keep doing this for dayyyyys until they just get strong enough to make things start moving.

Until then I moan and groan in pain and take 2 hour naps with Gage daily. No, it's not THAT bad.... and I'm seriously soaking up each cuddle, naptime, game we play together because these are my last few days with just Gagey. *tear* It's so bittersweet but so exciting, as I can't wait to give him a sibling.

But wasn't I just in labor with him? He was just my tiny baby and now he is SO independent and SO verbal. He says anything and everything. Current favorites are "don't say that word, Mom! That's a bad word!" (he says this to anything I say that he doesn't agree with (ie: it's bedtime))... "I'm not a baby!" (if I ever call him my baby I'm quickly corrected that he is my BIG BOY now *more tears*)....."Thanks, Milkman." (every night Ryan gets him a sippy of milk and this is his reply LOL he's hilarious!).... Just a few of his current sayings that CRACK ME UP. I say this with every age- but I seriously am in LOVE with this little boy at this stage. I love conversations with him.

Besides my husband being smokin' hott as always and me feeling like a big lump of lard on the couch, I've totally enjoyed this pregnancy. Especially the honeymoon phase from like 20-30 weeks. The cute little bump and still all that energy. Not gonna lie, the last month has been way harder than my pregnancy with Gage. I've felt pretty exhausted and super achey and probably pretty whiney (thanks friends who have listened to me- you know who you are!). Funny how each pregnancy is different, and I want to believe this isn't my last. It's really such a miracle making, growing, and birthing little humans into the world and I CANNOT WAIT to see this little girl's face. SO COME ON SAYLOR KATE SMOTHERS. Your mom, dad, and big brother are SO ready.... and all these contractions are getting old - not to mention a total tease. :)

Welp, there's my update.
Hopefully next time I post it'll be a birth story!
Happy Thursday, friends.