Monday, October 26, 2015

(fall)ing even more in love with you.

Fall is here and the leaves seem to be at their peak this week. We have spent many of hours on our front porch with coffee in hand, taking leisurely walks down our dirt road, and on a blanket with books in the front yard. I have been intentional about stopping what I'm doing and taking time to soak in the beautiful outdoors lately, because if I don't it's so easy to get caught up in housework and to-do lists that the day passes and we haven't even ventured outside! And that's a pretty good excuse to let the housework slide!
I no longer feel the overwhelming sense of adjusting, but feel settled in as a mom of two. If I didn't feel fully like a mom before, I sure do now. My feet hit the floor in the morning and don't stop until long after our littles are tucked away in bed. I wouldn't change a thing; although I totally get the quote "being a mom has made me so tired and so happy".
I caught Ryan & I laughing the other day at newlyweds. For so long I felt like one, even two & three years into our marriage.... but now? We have promoted to the old married couple a seasoned couple. To me, it's better. I sense a strength in our love now- one that runs deep. A security, a safe place, a constant. Now before you think we have the perfect life- our recent date nights have consisted driving into town while the kids sleep, ordering take out, and eating it in the car while they snooze. We've decided it's so much easier than tackling 2 kids in a restaurant and it makes for more quality conversation (aka: peace and quiet). And I guess that's it- before it was all glamour and romance and now it's simple, everyday moments but togetherness and laughter and embracing our crazy, busy, messy life together.
This weekend we got fall family pictures which was so fun because I'm usually behind the camera so to capture us as a family was great! Samantha Smith (Samantha Smith Photography) out of Ozark did them and we are so so thankful. Gage was not super cooperative and by looking at the images, you'd never know! She worked her magic!
I love (fall)ing ever more in love with my family every day.
My goal is to soak up all that's left of fall because in just a few weeks we will be in the Christmas season full force (what?!?). I don't think I'm quite ready for that- I need just a few more pumpkin spice lattes first ;)