Wednesday, February 5, 2014

{Self Care For Moms} Caring For Your Soul Day 3: Be Inspired

We started with caring for our souls by inviting Jesus into our daily lives and walking hand-in-hand with him throughout our day. We talked about how to do this when the world seems to be against us. Now that we have covered the most important part of caring for our souls, let's talk about a few other ways to revive ourselves from the inside out!

Caring For Your Soul Day 3: Be Inspired 


What inspires you? Makes you feel alive? 

I often struggle with guilt when doing something for myself. As moms and wives, we are called to be selfless and serve our family FIRST. But that doesn't mean that we have to give up things that we love and fill our souls. Feeling inspired puts us in a place where we want to help others, use our talents, and be the best we can be!

Here are some tips on BEING INSPIRED :)

1) Always be reading a good book. I love books, I have read fiction in the past and enjoyed it as well, but right now I love reading from books that encourage me in my walk with Christ or journey of motherhood! Those are the areas I need encouragment in right now. I always find that even after reading a few pages or chapters a day, I feel inspired! Do you like to read? Some of my favorite authors are Leslie Ludy and Karen Kingsbury.

2) Seek out beauty. There is nothing that inspires me more than gazing upon something beautiful. Here's some ideas:

  • Get outside and enjoy nature. I looooove soaking in God's creation! It's guaranteed to brighten my mood. Taking a quick walk or sitting on the front porch and just being still for a few moments at home revitalizes me. Take a moment to watch the snow fall. When the weather is good, we love going as a family to explore. We enjoy parks, hiking, camping, swimming, etc. Just getting outside and enjoying the beauty of it inspires me! (bring on spring!!!!)
  • Art! Create it. View it. Be inspired by it!
  • Make your home beautiful. Lately I've done little DIY projects to brighten up our home and I feel much happier just seeing the little touches here and there. Even things like lighting a candle and playing soft music sets the tone and can calm your soul.
  • Create an inspiration board. Hello Pinterest! Pin things that are beautiful, inspire you to be a better you, or dreams you have. When you are feeling uninspired, take a moment to browse over those things that speak to you.

3) Be inspired by others. One way I get inspiration is through the blog community. I love to read other women's journeys and takes on things. I subscribe to Bloglovin' and follow my favorite blogs. Some that I highly recommend are Naptime Diaries, The Vanilla Tulip, Momastery, and Diapers & Daisies! The are real women who love God & blog to inspire others! What blogs do you find inspiring? 

4) Always have a mentor and be mentoring someone else. This was great advice given to me when I was younger. Do you have a person you meet with or intentionally make time to talk to every so often who inspires you, challenges you, and speaks life into you? On the flip side, you should find someone younger than you and take under your wing. You'll find that as you encourage and help them that you in turn are inspired and feel rewarded.

5) Music. I'm a lyrics girl. They speak to me. Find music that inspires you and sets the beat for your day!

Hope those tips inspired you to be inspired :) What ways do you find inspiration? 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs. They are inspiring. They lift my spirit and mood and help me to stay on track with God and my christian duties as a wife, sister, and mother.
