Tuesday, April 7, 2015

One Month/ 30 Months

Dear Saylor,

One month has already come and gone. It's so surreal having you here! We dreamt of you for 9 months, our little girl, and now you are in our arms. We haven't stopped saying "she's so pretty!" since you were born- all 3 of us are smitten with you.

You were 7.10 at birth and 19.5 inches long. At 3 weeks you were 8.11 and 20 inches long. Yay for mama's milk- which you love. You are such a little piggy and have been from the get-go. We laugh at what a mess you are- you're either spitting up or making diapers ;) And then you're ready to eat again!

You have been a wonderful sleeper from the beginning. With your big bro I was up all hours of the night, but you usually wake up once at night and then an early morning feed and right back to sleep. I keep thinking I'm going to jinx myself bragging on you- but I have to say you've been a pretty easy baby so far! Thankfully since I have Gagey Poo to chase after this time around.

You love:
bath time
being swaddled
being held
the Ergo carrier

You hate:
sleeping on your back in your crib
being put down
Uncle Trevor (JUST KIDDING- but we laugh because almost every time he holds you, you scream! We know you will learn to love him though!)

We have got out a few times and took walks and you had your first trip to the park one warm day. You stretched out in the sunshine! Flu season is almost over and then we're gonna get out and about, girlfriend. We can't wait to show you to the world :)



You are a mess.
You have adjusted so well to being a big brother. I'm so so so so so proud of you.

Being in the hospital for 3 days and leaving you for the first time overnight was soooo hard on me. I cried like a baby when I got back to you. You will always be the one who made me a mama and have a very special place in my heart.

I think the terrible 2's have definitely hit, or else you've started trying to earn back some of the attention that you were used to (all of it LOL). But we are working through it together. And most of the time your dad and I can't help but laugh when you look away. Ornery would be the correct term for you right now!

Some favorite quotes:
"That's not my favorite kind"
"Dadgumit" --We blame Mater and Poppy lol
"Better not"
"I want sumptin"

Things you love:
taking walks- you can go so far! last week you walked the whole way on our hike- probably almost 2 miles!!!
playing in mud puddles
candy & pop
riding the "bucking bull" aka: Daddy
playdates with your friends
going to church
your train table- your imagination has came to life in the past month & you love your table with all your little action figures and trucks/tractors/trains. you can play and play and play with "farmer brown, dr. simon, ninja turtle,
the big bad wolf
ALL of your grandparents (you are blessed)
making sound effects
"popsicle and a game!" (our nightly tradition)
sleeping in our bed
kissing your sister

Favorite foods:
cheeseburgers, french fries, cheese sticks, blueberries

Favorite color:

Currently learning:
ABCs, Shapes, & Counting- you have about mastered Colors!

Favorite Movies:
Fox & the Hound, VeggieTales, PawPatrol

You are a night owl. You don't go to sleep til around 10:30 and it's SO hard to get you to sleep, child. You never have been a good sleeper, but we love you anyway :)

Those are just a few things you've been up to lately. You are such an ornery mess and totally all boy- and we wouldn't have you ANY OTHER WAY.

Love you two,

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