Friday, November 9, 2012

hey blog, it's me again!

Well, well, well, look who is back!

After our internet being down for awhile and learning to do life with a baby- I am now welcoming myself back into the world of blogging! Oh, how I have missed it! There is just something about putting your thoughts down on... errr,the keyboard?

I could say so many things to catch up- but I won't. I'll just start from where I'm at now!

Currently, I'm sitting here with a glass of water gasping for air. I just did a short little 5 minute workout maybe and am dying. It was hard, I will not lie. It was one of those 20 squats, 10 burpees, 25 jumping jack, etc. etc.workouts. I died. This is Day 3 of exercise to get the baby weight off.... but that's another post.

Gage is currently wrapped up in his cuddly blankie and napping on my bed.I'm trying to take advantage of these nap times now, as before I just sat and held him and stared. I still want to, but my piles of laundry, unbrushed teeth,flabby body, and sandwiches for dinner really need to come to an end. Mom babysat here at my house the other day & I came home to a spotless house,napping baby, banana pumpkin bread fresh out of the oven, and supper in progress. Showed me up. I was like "how do you do that?!?" Superwoman, I tell ya.

Anway, a girl whose blog I read always writes her baby letters each month to capture all the things he is doing as he grows. I love the idea & hate to copy, but it's so sweet! And then you can print them off and give to him oneday! So here goes my rendition of it for Gage!!

see the 2 posts below....

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