Friday, November 22, 2013

You have called me higher.

It's been so long since I have put my fingers to a keyboard. Not having WIFI at home for awhile was a good break though. It's easy with all the technology and social media at our fingertips to have our face in a screen instead of being with the people around us. So all-in-all the break was nice. At night, Ryan and I had less things to suck us in (blogging, youtube videos, etc.) and we have got in the habit of spending more time together. Just laying on the couch and having some great conversations.

I like that.

But I also like that I'm back to the blogging world. You wouldn't believe all the times over the last few months that I had something on my heart and my fingers were just itching to type it out.

For me, it's a release. To put my feelings into words and to share it with others. Sure, sometimes I have to be vulnerable. But the amazing thing is that when another person can relate or say "I've totally been there and it's going to be okay" or to know that it encourages someone else to keep on keepin' on-- it's a great feeling! And I've missed that. The community. The accountability.

So... where do I start?

I feel like so much has happened in my heart and life since I last posted!

I will say this- last year I saw where a few people had made a theme or even chosen a word for the new year. 2014 is approaching and I'm wondering what I want to strive for and focus on as we have a fresh start. Ryan and I sat down a few nights ago and pondered this.

It didn't take long for me to know what my goal is.

It's something over the last few months, maybe even half year, that the Lord has been whispering to me. It's strange- I will just be going along about my day and these words will pop into my head:

"Be Intentional."

Maybe I've mentioned it before on here. It's been on my heart for awhile.

Has that ever happened to you? You feel God telling you something, gently nudging you to change, sweetly reminding you throughout your day? And yet it's hard to take the step out in faith?

I'm definitely there.

I was cooking dinner a few nights ago and listening to Pandora, when this song came on. I had heard it before, as a friend (Mikayla!!) had sang it in the past and I loved it. But this time the words stopped me in my tracks.

"I could hold on. I could hold on to who I am and never let You change me from the inside."
"BUT You have called me HIGHER. You have called me DEEPER."
Friends, I'm tired of hearing God speak to me and holding onto to who I am because I'm comfortable. I feel like a new chapter is about to begin in my life as I allow Him to make me into the person he has CALLED me to be. As Christians, He has called us ALL higher and deeper. To be more than this world, to say no to flesh, to say yes to the Holy Spirit and allow him to work through us.
"And I'll go where you will lead me, Lord."
Where is He leading you? What has He been whispering ever so gently to you, nudging you to let go of who you are and let Him change you from the inside?


  1. I'm so glad you're back! I've missed reading what the Lord is doing in your life! :) You are such an encouragement to ME. :)

  2. I am glad to see you back! I've been thinking a lot about my word and have it which I will be sharing on the blog soon!! It is great to be able to connect and not have to worry about social media weighing us down! Praying for you continuously!!

  3. Thanks so much girls! You both are such sweethearts!
