Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mind the Lillies

We're waiting here for You, with our hands lifted high in praise.
And it's You we adore! singing Alleluia!
You are everything You promised, Your faithfulness is true!
And we're desperate for Your presence, all we need is You!

What a beautiful spring morning! My windows are open, my Pandora is on the Christy Nockels station, and I'm doing some spring cleaning. After the storm and rain, the cool spring air is here with the sun shining through and you can almost see the green bursting through the ground! And a certain sign of grace is this-- from the broken earth, flowers come up, pushing through the dirt <3 I love that thought. God can take brokeness/dirtiness and make something so beautiful!

That is my prayer for my life. That he will turn my brokeness into beauty.

Here lately I have been struggling with WORRYING. Maybe it's that I've always been a hypochondriac, maybe that it's I'm pregnant and that is just exaggerating it. I don't know... I won't go into detail, but there have been some things here lately just scaring me to death. I know I should have never let it get that far to where I was so fearful about it, but I did.

So I went back to the old trick that's always worked for me. I dug into the Word & found a verse of comfort. One that I would use to fight those thoughts with. One that when the thoughts came, I could stop them with the word of God! And this is the verse that has been such a comfort to me lately:

Matthew 6:27
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lillies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

It has calmed my fears so much. Maybe it helps that it's spring and al the flowers are popping out so beautifully. Not only does my fears have to remind me of this verse, but I can walk outside and see the beauty of God's creation and be reminded of how he TAKES CARE OF ME. Mind the lillies! They don't do anything except let the Lord take care of them and they are beautifully clothed and taken care of.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the flower that wilts and dies because it's over-watered with worries, or hidden from the sun because of fear.... and it never gets to bloom into the beautiful flower God created it to be, because it's too scared to trust God to simply take care of it.

This morning I thank God for His reminder to me through His word and His creation that if He is going to take care of the lillies of the field, how much more will He take care of His daughter whom He loves!

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