Friday, March 2, 2012

oh baby!

Today I've definitely felt preggo.

For starters, last night we went out around 6. As soon as we left the house I felt so YUCK. We went and got Mexican food, which normally I eat my weight in... and that's a lot LOL. But I felt horrible, and took like 2 bites of my meal. So I packed it and brought it home.

This morning as soon as my eyes popped open at 6:30ish, I jumped out of bed and warmed up the Mexican food. It was the best thing I ever tasted. So strange, eating leftover pizza for breakfast isn't that weird, but flautas, rice, and beans? Weird.

For lunch, I ate 2 egg rolls and a hot fudge shake. I was craving chocolate like nobody's business. Like I had to have chocolate, there was no way around it. Sooo I grabbed my weenie dog and we ran to Green Forest and hit up Sonic. Also weird, because if it takes actually going somewhere out of the way, I usually don't act on my cravings.

Today was definitely one of the first times I've had some cravings that struck me as out of the norm.

I have also spent today FREAKING OUT. I have watched A Baby Story all morning, and looked at a million people on facebook with new babies LOL. It's like I'm obsessed with babies right now... but I think it's because I'm SO SCARED. They are so little and so fragile, and not to mention they have soooooo many things that go a long with them. What if I don't get the right brand of bottles, or diapers, or wipes? What if there are things I have no idea about? I mean, I want to give my baby the best things for it... as in the things that are the healthiest/easiest on their little bodies. I'm so paranoid about everything, but I'm sure this is normal. I really am counting on those motherly instincts to kick in because the only thing I've ever mothered is a weenie dog. And I have a feeling a weenie dog is a lot different from taking care of baby HAHA :)

But as much as I am scared, I'm so in love. When we heard the heartbeat this week, my heart totally melted. To hear that little heartbeat come out so strong was such a miracle. It was the neatest feeling. And all I can do is dream of what Baby Smothers will look like, what it will be like to kiss their little cheeks, annnnnnnd I cannot wait to get a rocking chair for the nursery to rock it to sleep in :)

I'm praying everyday for this little miracle God has blessed us with, usually Ry and I do together every night before we fall asleep. I'm praying that God will make my baby healthy & whole and that he/she will grow into the wonderful unique person that God has already created them to be. It's so sweet to think He knows them by name and has their whole life planned out! Even before I was born, before I ever even knew Ryan, God knew and loved this baby of ours. I'm thankful and amazed at the handiwork of God!

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