Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I See You In Every Scene

Chill and cold and flakes of snow
Ice and sleet, and frost and cold
Each storm cloud and thunderbolt
Lifts my mind to You
Every work and every power
Every second of every hour
Fall of dew in sweet rain showers
Lifts my mind to You
The summer wind, fire and heat
Autumn leaves and blooms of spring
Ocean waves and mountain streams
Lifts my mind to you
I see you in every scene
I bet you are thinking about me
I have such a short memory
So you keep reminding me of you
As I lay me down to sleep
As I walk on city streets
As I laugh with friends and feast
It lifts my mind to you
As my children play and run
In the news with wars and guns
In the church where songs are sung
It lifts my mind to you
Deep inside the beggar's eyes
As for sweet love I fight
On the radio at night
It lifts my mind to you
I see you in every scene
I bet you are thinking about me
I have such a short memory
So you keep reminding me of you
The JOY of the LORD.
There is absolutely nothing like it.
It hit me as I was taking an afternoon walk here at the house. I kept looking at all the green popping out everywhere, the butterflies floating around in the breeze, and glancing down at my ever-growing baby bump. It was such a beautiful moment, I just wished I had a camera to capture all the beauty that was surrounding me, but not only was it just the beauty I was experiencing, but it was the presence of the Lord....
That's why this song's lyrics speaks volumes to me....
So You keep reminding me of You!
I'm so thankful that God uses things to remind me of Himself, but it also saddens me to think how my heart wanders and gets distracted much too often. If only my heart and mind could ever be focused on the Lord! But He knows we are human, and this world seems to suck us in every so often. Yet, He has a way to gently, peacefully, tenderly remind us of Himself.... and for me, it's often through CREATION! Some of the times I feel closest to God are when I take a quiet walk and just take in what He has made. JOY that only comes from Him seems to make my heart want to overflow!
My prayer today is that I also choose to see God in every scene. Whether it's beautiful spring day, a hot summer's evening, a morning with snowflakes falling, or fall when the leaves are bursting with color... Whether it's seeing Ryan's face light up when we hear our baby's heartbeat, hanging out on my Granny's front porch, or sitting around a dinner table with friends... I want to see God in every scene!
Thank You Lord for REMINDING ME OF YOU!

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