Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hey There, Blog!

Whoa! I haven't got to blog in FOREVER!
Sadly, my computer has crashed- yet again. And I can't get myself to take the time to "text" a blog from my phone, it hurts my fingers and takes way too long. So finally, I'm at moms and thought I would take some time to catch up my blog! I have been missing it SO much here lately, and want to get back to blogging regularly!

A lot has happened since last time I posted:
* I graduated college as an RN
* I have grew noticeably larger- 10 lbs larger actually!
* I am currently searching for a job
* I am currently having no luck being hired after revealing that I am pregnant...
* We finally agreed on a name for Baby Smothers= Gage Beckham Smothers.

I could write a blog for each of those things, but not today at least...

Today I'd rather blog about things more fun and exciting. Like sinus infections. And pizza and ice cream.

I've been sick the past 3 days. I came down with a sinus infection a week after Ryan had a pretty nasty one. I thought I was going to escape it, but of course not. Sunday I woke up with a sore throat, and by Monday afternoon I was on the couch with a fever. I have been so OCD about not taking ANYTHING while being pregnant, so I kept thinking that the fever would ease up. 2 hours and a nap later, the fever was getting worse and I was feeling AWFUL. So I called Ryan and asked if he could hunt down some Tylenol for me. 3 hours into the fever, I finally got some Tylenol and the fever started easing up. But not before I had these awful pains in my lower abdomen. Everything felt so tight and throbbing and a lot of pressure. At this point Ryan was there with me and we were both getting a little nervous, as I was hoping the fever hadn't kicked me into early labor or something! I'm a worry wart, and Ryan was able to calm me down about the time the fever broke and the pain subsided.

To make a long story short, the next day at the doctor she told me that indeed it WAS a contraction! And anything irritating to the body like fever, dehydration, etc. can cause them... Scary! Lesson learned: take Tylenol before the fever gets so high next time. God must be laughing at my fear of taking meds (even the "safe" meds) while being pregnant, because I am currently on my second round of antibiotics this pregnancy...

Hello, health food store. Hello, vitamin C. Please return, immune system!

And of course, who feels like being healthy when you are sick. So far today I've had homemade biscuits and gravy for breakfast with sausage (thanks, Mom), 3 pieces of supreme pizza for lunch, and a chocolate ice cream cone.

As stated earlier, I've hit the next number on the scale. Moving on up! I'm not too worried really, I actually expected myself to be even larger at this point. So 10 lbs. in a little over 23 weeks is a-okay with me. I'm still trying to be healthy (some days) and exercise when I can (usually at least 3-4 times a week). But honestly, I am enjoying myself. If I want an ice cream cone, hey! I'll have one. I haven't even had any real lasting cravings yet! The only thing would be red sauce tastes so good to me now. On pasta, pizza, tomato soup, etc. etc. But as far as like OMG I HAVE TO HAVE ____ NOW..... nope, none like that.

I also measured 2 weeks ahead yesterday! So who knows- he may decide to come the first of September!

In 3 months he will be here! Holy Moly! I'm so ready to meet this little guy....
But I have SO much to do. Like order a crib, start on the nursery, etc. etc. Yes, I'm behind.

So far, since graduation I have laid in the sun, read 3 books, stayed 3 days on the Buffalo River, and swam. Oh yea, and this week been sick..... What a life.

Maybe I'll get a job soon, maybe I'll have to wait til after Gage-man is here. We shall see!

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