Saturday, July 28, 2012


Sometimes I can't believe this is where I'm at in life.

I find myself walking into the nursery and just staring. Could I really be married for almost 3 years now? With a little boy on the way? Not to mention, working at a hospital as an RN.

Most of the time I still feel like the 16 year old girl in my room writing letters to my future husband. Like the confused college student trying to decide how and where and I'd get my nursing degree. Like the stressed out nursing student that has another test to study for. To the girl who thought she was chubby then- HA! :)

So much of my prayers and time with God was spent asking for guidance in waiting for and finding the right guy for me. For directing my pathes in college to get me where I want to be in a future career.


Like I said, I don't think it's hit me yet.
I feel Gage move in my belly and I know he is there- I've even seen his face on ultrasound- but it's still hard for me to comprehend in 7 weeks he will be here. With us. Forever. Yikes!
And I still feel strange walking into a patient's room saying "Hi I'm Kaysi, an RN, and I'll be taking care of you today".

I am SO guilty of not giving God all the glory and praise He deserves! How faithful He has been to me! And how often do I forget on a daily basis just to THANK HIM?? Just a simple "God you are so good to me, even when I am so undeserving."

It breaks my heart that I let life consume me all too often that I forget to thank my Savior who has given me everything I have today.

Today I'm looking at where he has brought me and am so thankful for His provision in my life the past few years & bringing me to this new chapter. It's scary/exciting/exhilirating all in one.


Yesterday we got our 4D ultrasound. I'm not one to cry easily, but when he finally moved his little hands from in front of his face (we were all cheering him on) and we got a glimpse of the little guy inside of me- the tears were automatic. No, I wasn't boo-hooing but tears of joy came and rolled down my face. What a miracle it is to have LIFE inside of you- part me & part my husband. Wow. Another thing to be oh so thankful for.
(oh, and naturally, he is the cutest baby I've ever seen in my life! haha)

I've been feeling pretty good.

Sleep hasn't been a problem for me this whole pregnancy, really.

My legs ACHE. To the point I've thought I had a blood clot in one it was aching and hurting so bad. I guess it's the 12 hour shifts and the weight of being pregnant, but OUCH!

We got ALL the furniture for the nursery last weekend & all that is left is to put up the curtains, bedding, and wall hangings that I have for it. We love to just walk in there & stare. I love it, it's turned out so cute!

I can't eat near as much at once these days. I get super full rly fast & feel short of breath super easily. I guess he is getting big & I'm running out of room in there!

We have some showers coming up that I'm SUPER PUMPED for!!! I can't wait to celebrate this precious little guy with the people I love!


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