Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taking Your Man to Jesus- Day One: Leader

I saw a fellow blogger, Meagan, do this last year on her blog & was really intrigued by it. 10 days devoted to prayer for your husband. Hmmmm, when was the last time I really prayed for my husband? And God knows he has so much on his shoulders! When she went through it again this year, I wanted to join in & am just now getting around to focusing my heart on the idea of it! So here it goes, LADIES PLEASE JOIN ME! (and thank you Meagan for sharing and inviting me and others to join in as well!)

"disclaimer: Before I begin, I want to let you know that I will, most often, be referring to that special man in your life as "husband." If the guy you are praying for is not your husband, please still participate and know that when I say husband I actually mean: husband, fiance, boyfriend or future husband...I am sure many women are married to men who are not Christ followers. Rather than comparing your husband to any other man, use this as a time to focus on all that God HAS given to you through your spouse. Pray for him intently and intensely.

Let's begin by praying for our husbands as leaders.

All of our men are leaders in one way or another and most of them lead in multiple areas. They are all the leaders in our relationships and homes. Many of them lead multiple people in their place of work. And whether you realize it or not, many of your husband's friends look to your husband as a leader in their friendship. For those of you who have been in leadership roles yourselves, you know the burden and pressure that can come from such roles. Recognize that your husband is a leader to many people, even in situations that you may be unaware of. Let's ask the Lord to bless them in this role, to teach them through leadership and to use them to influence others.

Our focus is that God would:

  • Increase his wisdom in making decisions for those he leads.
  • Give him confidence as a leader.
  • Call him to step out in his role and calling.
  • Give him influence in the lives of others.
  • Allow him to view his leadership as a way to lead as the Lord has led him.
  • Teach him as he leads others.
  • Give him a teachable spirit.
  • Impress on his heart how to be the spiritual leader of his home.
Use the next twenty-four hours to focus on your husband's roles in leadership. Take him before the Lord, specifically as a leader.
I am so excited to begin this today! I know that I am guilty of not praying near enough for Ryan, the leader of our home. He needs my support & encouragement to daily rise up and take on all the responsibilities of being a leader. He owns his own business, supports our family financially, leads us spiritually, and works with children in Awanas at church; so I know that he needs to be lifted up in this area!! Naturally, when I begin to pray about this I start to focus on what I could do as a wife to help him, encourage him, etc... but instead I want these 10 days to focus only on TAKING MY MAN TO JESUS and asking God to do a work in His life- a work that only He can do.

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