Wednesday, July 10, 2013

10 Months

My baby,

You are now a big boy. The little baby stage is over as you are now crawling like crazy, pulling up on everything, and standing alone for seconds at a time. It catches me off guard sometimes and tears just well up. I can't believe how big, smart, funny, and mobile you are. You are the joy of our lives, son.

You love to wave and say "hiiiii" and "byyyeee". You say "mama", "dada", you try to say Jack but it comes out "cckkkk". You make so many noises but your favorite is "brrrrmmmm". Anytime you see a truck, boat, wheeler, or toy that has wheels you make that noise.

We can ask you things like where is Jack, where are the deer (Grump's mounted deer), where is Daddy, etc. and you know where to look. When I hear Daddy pull up I'll say "Daddy's here!!!" and you stop what you are doing and stare at the door until he walks in!

You are eating lots of table food and not liking purees near as much. Last night you had cous cous, mixed veggies, and sweet potatoes. You ate til you were stuffed! Other favorites are whole grain mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, bananas, and you LOVE the little cheese puff baby snacks. I think you would eat a whole can at once if I'd let you.

We spent a lot of time at the lake this past month- the camper was there for 3 weeks and we went and stayed as much as we could. I cannot believe what a lake baby you are! You love sitting on the rocks and splashing in the water and letting the waves hit you, playing in the rocks (and trying to eat them aka: give mom a heart attack), taking walks all over the campground in your stroller, and sitting out in your highchair and enjoying the outdoors. You were the perfect camper, and you loved taking your naps in your play pen under the cool AC of the camper. You should see the tan you have! You are such a little brownie!

You also love to swim in your kiddie pool since it's been so hot out! You just splash and splash. I fed you ice from a sonic drink the other day while you swam and you didnt' want me to stop! You would have swam and ate ice for hours :)

Since you have been so mobile you have got your first few bruises. Your first, you crawled over to the table and was shaking a chair leg and your hand slipped= big bruise on your cheek. Daddy was watching you and he felt so horrible. Yesterday, you pulled up on the door and fell forwards down in and scraped your forehead. I was watching you and felt just as bad! It's hard to see you get little knocks and bangs, but you are learning and they haven't kept you down long! Unless we start oooing and aahing over it and then you really play it up and cry... you love the attention and to be felt sorry for LOL.

You love riding the Big Red at Grumps and Gram's house. You love for Poppy to show you his big trucks and how to honk the horn. You are getting really attached to your grandparents and I love seeing that bond form. They are spoiling you already!

You had your 10 month doctor's appointment and you weighed in at 20 lbs even and 27.5 inches! Growing like a weed and getting chubby! We laugh that you have a booty like Daddy & a belly like Mama! :)

Our days together as so fun, you are learning so much all the time. You crawl EVERYWHERE and from room to room now. I have to watch because you love picking things up off the carpet and trying to eat them. You also love going in your walker! You are like a mad man in it, running everywhere. You have reverse down and can steer like a pro :) You love to get mama's red spoon and play with it- if anyone tries to take it from you it's not a pretty sight!

Gram has taught you how to point your little pointer finger and shake it when we say "no no no".  You love to scold Jack! The other day I was trying to give you a kiss while you were in your car seat and as I leaned in you shook that little finger at me! So funny! Besides scolding things, you use it to point and touch everything.

We love you, Stinker! You make everyday special and fun, and you are the light of our lives!

Mama & Daddy

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