Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Oh my word.

Today I am sad.

I miss my friend Cheyenne who is being induced tomorrow to have her second precious baby girl. I wish I could be there to meet this little angel! What a wonderful family she is being born into, though. I mean, I think her mom is pretty fab!

Now that we are on the subject- lets talk about friendships.

My heart hurts a little today as I dwell on some of mine. Some are miles away, some friendships are dwindling, some are just beginning, and some I know that no matter how many days pass by the second we are together again we can just pick up where we left off! What a blessing friendships can be!

But it takes some vulnerability, if you ask me. I have had plenty of heartache of friendships gone bad. Girls can be mean, ya know? And I have made plenty of mistakes myself. True friendships that are raw and real- ones where you put your friend before yourself and know they would do the same- are hard to come by.

Dad always told me growing up that "if you find one true friend in life then you are lucky".

As I am older now, I can totally agree to that.

I struggle to be one of those kind of friends at times! Juggling a baby, a husband, a job, my new ItWorks business, a child of God, a daughter, a sister, and a friend can be hard! All while trying to find time for myself in the midst. I fail at all of those roles daily. Thank the Lord for GRACE! Can I get an amen?!

I know that I need grace in so many areas of my life and I pray that I can be a gracious friend to others. I pray that I can open my heart to new friendships and nurture the ones I have. I pray that I can allow myself to be vulnerable and real in these friendships. But most of all I pray that God would use me to encourage and extend grace to any friend I have.

((this post was kind of random, but friendships just seemed to be on my heart today. can you relate?))

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