Thursday, March 28, 2013


Listening to: Gage's white noise machine coming from the bedroom and the birds chirping outside the window, & the Keurig making me a single warm yummy goodness. It's a quite spring morning here at the Smothers. In the past, I would have the Today Show going, maybe some music from Pandora playing. But here lately I have been craving silence. Very rarely do I even turn the TV on during the day, unless Gage watches Bubble Guppies or another one of his shows. This morning, the silence is so peaceful to me. I can hear my own thoughts and am preparing my heart for the day ahead.

Oh, and as far as music goes I'm digging Chris Tomlin's newest CD that my brother made me a copy of!

Planning: My day! Today the Gager and I will be running some errands around town, and hopefully buying some new fabric so I can start my sewing escapades! If I can even remember how to sew! This could be scary, friends! But in my head I have these adorable new pillows, curtains, and outfits for Gage all planned out... we shall see!

Wishing for: Long runs, long naptimes, long bubble baths. A new spring wardrobe and to lose 15 lbs all while being to eat whatever I wanted.

Ok, back to reality! Wishing to reach out and be a better friend (see yesterday's blog), wishing for warm weather to get here and stay here, wishing to become more DISCIPLINED and on more of a schedule for MYSELF. Gage already has a loose schedule going; I on the other hand do not. Today was the first morning in awhile that I've got up early and had some "me" time before he is up for the day.

Thinking about: I don't know. I have been in a fog lately. There are like a bagillion thoughts and ideas and plans that have been sloshing around in my head. I feel like But that's my heart-- my mind is like a jumbled mess. Once again, I need some organization skills.

Craving: A big, hot cinnamon roll from Neighbor's Mill. And a salted caramel mocha on the side.

Looking forward to: Planting my garden, date night this weekend, and our daily walk.

Reading: What's that? Just kidding. But I do need a new book to dive into. Any suggestions?

Feeling: Cozy, blessed, and anxious about the next few months, my growing baby, and all our summertime adventures that lie ahead!

Making me happy:  Gage's morning cuddles (he just woke up!). The sunshine that is shining in the window of Gage's room where he is jumping & I'm typing. Oh, and the flowers that I bought myself that are still so pretty on my dining table!

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