Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Girl In the Mirror

I used this analogy at work yesterday and as I was talking to my client about it, little did I know it was hitting home in my heart.

Negative thoughts.
Whether they are formed from hateful words spoken by others or just lies that we begin to believe about ourselves-- they can be disastrous to our self worth.

What do you see when you look into the mirror?
Do you like that person? Or are you always beating her up in your mind? Picking out any and every flaw? Calling her names, even?

I noticed the other day that everytime I looked in the mirror I would let out this sigh of disgust. Since when did I start being so down on myself?

Self check!
What negative thoughts am I dwelling on?
What kind of self talk is going on in my head?

Whether it's "You're fat" to "No one will ever love you" or "You have to be perfect or it's just not good enough". We can begin telling things like that to the person in the mirror.

But wait.

What if we focused on the positive things?

For every negative thought- replace it with a positive one.
"I'm not fat- I ran a mile today, my body is getting stronger."
"I like my eyes, I'm going to accentuate them today."
"Someone DOES love me. My husband got up and went to work today, all to support me and give me things I need and want."
"No one is perfect, but I'm trying my best and look what I just accomplished!

Ya see why I'm saying!?
We control our thoughts...
If we allow ourselves to start hating in the girl in the mirror we are going to start feeling pretty lousy. And frumpy. And down and out.

If we focus on positive things we begin to love ourselves for who we are and learn to find beauty, even in our imperfections.

Love who you see in the mirror.
Starting today!

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