Well my friends, another year has come and gone. And what a year it's been!!! I accomplished 2 things that thus far in life (besides getting married) I am the most proud of and have proved to be life changing!
15 days after welcoming 2012, we saw two little lines appear on a stick and our lives forever changed! I guess you could say 2012 was the year of Gage. We found out we were expecting, experienced our first pregnancy, endured an all natural labor and delivery, and excitedly became parents on September 5th, 2012.
In the midst of all that, I graduated nursing school. I got my first job at NARMC and loved it. Then, life threw another curve ball as I took a leap and went into the mental health field where I now work at Arkansas Counseling using my RN degree. It's been a roller coaster, but I love where I'm at now.
Those 2 short paragraphs entailed so much work.... and there were times I didn't think I'd make it through either one of them, but I am SO glad I stuck with it because both experiences have made me stronger and molded me into the person I am as I happily start a new year!
2012 also held a really tough experience for me, one I'd dreaded since I was a little girl. I lost my Granny.... It was really unexpectd and sudden. And it hurt my heart more than I can explain. I'll forever have a part of my heart that is empty, because only she could fill it. I could go on and on about how precious she was.... I am just so thankful that when I close my eyes I can still see her playing her guitar and singing loud hymns of praise in church. I can hear her praying and when she didn't have any words left, especially as she got older, she would just repeat "Jesus" over and over. He was so dear to her. She knew all she had to do was speak His name.... Little did she know, she taught me so many life lessons just by living.
I feel like this year has brought so much change. I feel like it was a huge turning point in my life- it has molded me into a new person! I'm now a mom! My priorities have changed and I think, slowly but surely, I'm becoming a much less self-consumed, selfish person. My prayer is that someday I will be as selfless as my Granny, Meemaw, and Mom.... and have servant hearts like them! I hope that's something I'll grow into as God continues to change my heart.
Ok, now on to lighter things!
As I type I'm in my new fuzzy robe that I've been living in the past few days. Hair in a messy bun. No makeup. Thank goodness, I've actually showered today. So what I'm getting at is my resolution for this upcoming year:
To feel good about myself again.
Now, that may entail a lot more than the superficial things like fitting into my jeans again and losing the rest of this baby weight-- even though that is a HUGE part of it. It's being a better friend, learning how to balance ME time, HUBBY time, and MOMMY time, and spending more time daily with God.
I have a lot to work on, but I feel so ready to tackle this new year as a new woman!! :)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 4: Husband
Ok, so obviously I'm not going to be able to do this in consectutive days! Finding time to sit down on the computer each down is hard, so I'm just going to post the days as I'm able to. But by george, I'm going to finish this! :) The days I have been able to do this and focus on praying for Ryan really has been a blessing.
Ryan is hands down my best friend. How God chose me fit to be his wife, who knows. But I am so glad that he is my husband!
"God has been doing some good things in my heart as I've put much time and focus
on the spiritual well-being of my husband. Anyone else?
Today, let's
focus on our husbands as just that, a husband. If you are not yet married, pray
for your guy as he steps into the role of husband. For the husband is the head
of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Your husband, my husband, is
the leader. Already. It's settled. You don't have to negotiate it or loose sleep
over it, they are the head of the home. Christ appointed them to that
In thinking about praying for this role, it was hard for me to
stripe this roll from the other rolls he fulfills. Yet, it is the one role that
is solely created for me. Funny, isn't it?
Our focus:
- Encourage him in his leadership of me, his wife.
- Continue to develop him into a man that always makes marriage a priority.
- Give him a deep love for me, his spouse.
- Give him new revelation into Your heart for marriage.
- Guard his eyes from Satan's attempts to steal his affection from me.
- May he be a model of submission as he submits to the Lord.
- Give him wisdom in leadership."
Monday, December 10, 2012
Day Three: Job
Since we all know you can't pray on the weekends (totally kidding) I started back up today on Day 3 of Taking Your Man to Jesus. We had a crazy busy weekend, so I'm sorry for the two days I skipped over!!
"Whatever it is that he does to 'bring home the bacon,' let's ask that Jesus
meet him there today.
We all know our husband's jobs well, so spend some
time today personalizing your prayer in the way your husband needs them most.
Try to take yourself out of the prayers. Don't pray for what you would be
pleased to see happen, but rather things that would bring growth to your
Our focus:
- May his workplace be/become a place where he has freedom show his creativity and use his gifts.
- That he would gain encouragement, specifically today, from his co-workers.
- That he would be effective.
- A thankful heart for a job that provides.
- Give clarity to any callings that the Lord may be placing in his heart.
- Professional growth.
Take a few extra moments to thank Jesus for giving
your husband a job. For those of you who have the joy of staying at home
with your kids make sure you have your heart right. Rather than comparing your
life to the lives of others or wishing you had more to "show" for your life or
sulking in the career you used to have, give thanks for a man who works so hard
so that you can be a full-time mommy.
Let us all make a noticeable effort
today to show our gratitude for our husbands when he enters the doors of his
home at five or six or seven o'clock in the evening.
One of the most
applicable pieces of advice I have ever heard is this:
When your husband
comes home from a long day at work, you and all of your children should go to
the door to greet him, showing him how thankful you are that he has come
home to you. A man who comes home with no one to greet him, feels as
though no one notices his presence. If his presence is not noticed, he will
start to pull away. Make a conscious effort to greet your husband today. And
have your children or pets or make believe friends do the same thing. It will
make him feel loved. That is our goal!"
If I could only tell you how appropriate "Job" is for today. Ryan has been under so much stress related to his job. God is bigger than any problems we face, and I know that He will deliver my sweet husband from the stress & worries of owning his own business. I am also going to try all this week to greet Ryan at the door with Gage when he comes home- I want him to know that he is loved and appreciated and that we are so happy "Daddy" is home!!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Day Two: Worship
Worship, as you know, is a matter of the heart.
So, let's begin by praying for his heart.
So, let's begin by praying for his heart.
I know what it feels like to have a heavy or burdened or uneasy
heart. Don't you? Let's come together against this for our guys.
- Take the burdens from the heart of my husband.
- Replace them with FREEDOM.
- In that freedom, begin to teach my husband what it truly means to worship You in spirit and in truth.
- Come and meet my husband where he is.
- Allow him to find rest in his home and in his current circumstances.
- Begin to lay new words and encouragement on the heart of my husband.
- Develop him into a man who is capable of being in a CONSTANT SPIRIT of worship.
I have to admit, I haven't prayed specifically for this in the life of my husband before, but how important is this!?! I know that Ryan carries so many responsibilities on his shoulders, and often needs to experience the freedom of the Lord. WOW, I feel blessed by getting to pray this for my husband today. I pray that he feels the Lord gently nudging him to let go of the burdens on his heart and begin to simply WORSHIP...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Taking Your Man to Jesus- Day One: Leader
I saw a fellow blogger, Meagan, do this last year on her blog & was really intrigued by it. 10 days devoted to prayer for your husband. Hmmmm, when was the last time I really prayed for my husband? And God knows he has so much on his shoulders! When she went through it again this year, I wanted to join in & am just now getting around to focusing my heart on the idea of it! So here it goes, LADIES PLEASE JOIN ME! (and thank you Meagan for sharing and inviting me and others to join in as well!)
"disclaimer: Before I begin, I want to let you know
that I will, most often, be referring to that special man in your life as
"husband." If the guy you are praying for is not your husband, please still
participate and know that when I say husband I actually mean: husband, fiance, boyfriend or future husband...I am sure
many women are married to men who are not Christ followers. Rather than
comparing your husband to any other man, use this as a time to focus on all that
God HAS given to you through your spouse. Pray for him intently and
begin by praying for our husbands as leaders.
of our men are leaders in one way or another and most of them lead in multiple
areas. They are all the leaders in our relationships and homes. Many of them
lead multiple people in their place of work. And whether you realize it or not,
many of your husband's friends look to your husband as a leader in their
friendship. For those of you who have been in leadership roles yourselves, you
know the burden and pressure that can come from such roles. Recognize that your
husband is a leader to many people, even in situations that you may be unaware
of. Let's ask the Lord to bless them in this role, to teach them through
leadership and to use them to influence others.
Our focus is that God would:
- Increase his wisdom in making decisions for those he leads.
- Give him confidence as a leader.
- Call him to step out in his role and calling.
- Give him influence in the lives of others.
- Allow him to view his leadership as a way to lead as the Lord has led him.
- Teach him as he leads others.
- Give him a teachable spirit.
- Impress on his heart how to be the spiritual leader of his home.
I am so excited to begin this today! I know that I am guilty of not praying near enough for Ryan, the leader of our home. He needs my support & encouragement to daily rise up and take on all the responsibilities of being a leader. He owns his own business, supports our family financially, leads us spiritually, and works with children in Awanas at church; so I know that he needs to be lifted up in this area!! Naturally, when I begin to pray about this I start to focus on what I could do as a wife to help him, encourage him, etc... but instead I want these 10 days to focus only on TAKING MY MAN TO JESUS and asking God to do a work in His life- a work that only He can do.3 Months
This month has been the most fun of all. You have got such a little personality!
You continue to be a morning baby. We love to watch you wake up- as soon as your eyes open you are all smiles! Momma likes to flirt with you- you are such a flirt and kind of bashful when I say "Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Gage". It's so cute.
You love to talk to Daddy & lately have been his boy. You started out just being able to pick my voice out from all the rest, but now you can spot Daddy as soon as he comes in the room! He will do this thing where he talks to you nonstop just rambling on and you join right in- cooing and talking your little head off too! It melts my heart. It also melts my heart when I see your Daddy look at you with such love.
You have started playing a lot this month. You love to play on your playmat and will just stare at the little birdies hanging above you. You like to listen to the Baby Einstein channel on Pandora while you play. Your favorite song is No More Monkeys and you love for Momma to dance around to it and get you all excited! You have started noticing the TV and when you are at Gram's house you love to watch Mickey Mouse's Christmas Sing-Along and here at home you sometimes will watch about 10 minutes of Veggie Tales. You LOVE for us (especially Daddy) to read you books! It would crack us up so much when you first started paying such attention to the pages when you were just a little over 2 months old. You could be fussy & we would sit you in our laps with some books and it usually cheered you up! You focus on the colorful pages & love to listen to our voices tell the story!
You still love bathtime. You now sit down in the water in your little tub and have learned how to splash with your legs. You kick and kick... and usually get mad when we have to get you out. I love to lather you up in baby lotion, and then we go rock you to sleep. We still swaddle you from the waist down and you still have to have your favorite white noise. We have the bedtime routine down! Daddy gets all your stuff ready and Momma rocks you to sleep. We usually sing lullabys and hymns. You love it.
You are filling out SO much! You are our little "Chunky Monkey" and we love to kiss your soft skin that's getting more and more little rolls :)
We like to take walks and put you in your carrier. You love it too! You seem to really like the fresh air and seeing new sights. Speaking of new sights, you have began to notice your weenie dog Jack. Before you wouldn't even look at him.
You like to chew on your hands now. It cracks us up! When your paci falls out you can push it back in with your little fists. So funny!
Our favorite thing is to try to get you to say "Oh"... You have said it perfectly before and we laugh so hard! When we say "ooooohhhhh" to you, you try so hard to say it it's so funny!!!
You have also learned to throw fits. You can throw a good one too, if I do say so myself. You get bright red and gag you cry so hard. You stiffen up like a board! At first we didn't know what to do, but we've figured out that it either means you are really tired or you are missing me. It's happened the most when you are with your grandparents and Momma is at work or on a date with Daddy. Let's just say you are getting pretty attached to me.... and I'm not going to lie, I love it! I don't like that you get upset when I'm not with you (because it makes it harder to go to work 2 days a week) but I love that we are forming a bond. We are buddies. And Momma misses you super bad those 2 days as well, baby.
You are so beautiful. Your lashes are so long and dark and your Daddy and I just stare at you... we have said that we could never have imagined you to be as perfect as you are.
What a fun month! We love you more than words can say.
Momma & Daddy
This month has been the most fun of all. You have got such a little personality!
You continue to be a morning baby. We love to watch you wake up- as soon as your eyes open you are all smiles! Momma likes to flirt with you- you are such a flirt and kind of bashful when I say "Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Gage". It's so cute.
You love to talk to Daddy & lately have been his boy. You started out just being able to pick my voice out from all the rest, but now you can spot Daddy as soon as he comes in the room! He will do this thing where he talks to you nonstop just rambling on and you join right in- cooing and talking your little head off too! It melts my heart. It also melts my heart when I see your Daddy look at you with such love.
You have started playing a lot this month. You love to play on your playmat and will just stare at the little birdies hanging above you. You like to listen to the Baby Einstein channel on Pandora while you play. Your favorite song is No More Monkeys and you love for Momma to dance around to it and get you all excited! You have started noticing the TV and when you are at Gram's house you love to watch Mickey Mouse's Christmas Sing-Along and here at home you sometimes will watch about 10 minutes of Veggie Tales. You LOVE for us (especially Daddy) to read you books! It would crack us up so much when you first started paying such attention to the pages when you were just a little over 2 months old. You could be fussy & we would sit you in our laps with some books and it usually cheered you up! You focus on the colorful pages & love to listen to our voices tell the story!
You still love bathtime. You now sit down in the water in your little tub and have learned how to splash with your legs. You kick and kick... and usually get mad when we have to get you out. I love to lather you up in baby lotion, and then we go rock you to sleep. We still swaddle you from the waist down and you still have to have your favorite white noise. We have the bedtime routine down! Daddy gets all your stuff ready and Momma rocks you to sleep. We usually sing lullabys and hymns. You love it.
You are filling out SO much! You are our little "Chunky Monkey" and we love to kiss your soft skin that's getting more and more little rolls :)
We like to take walks and put you in your carrier. You love it too! You seem to really like the fresh air and seeing new sights. Speaking of new sights, you have began to notice your weenie dog Jack. Before you wouldn't even look at him.
You like to chew on your hands now. It cracks us up! When your paci falls out you can push it back in with your little fists. So funny!
Our favorite thing is to try to get you to say "Oh"... You have said it perfectly before and we laugh so hard! When we say "ooooohhhhh" to you, you try so hard to say it it's so funny!!!
You have also learned to throw fits. You can throw a good one too, if I do say so myself. You get bright red and gag you cry so hard. You stiffen up like a board! At first we didn't know what to do, but we've figured out that it either means you are really tired or you are missing me. It's happened the most when you are with your grandparents and Momma is at work or on a date with Daddy. Let's just say you are getting pretty attached to me.... and I'm not going to lie, I love it! I don't like that you get upset when I'm not with you (because it makes it harder to go to work 2 days a week) but I love that we are forming a bond. We are buddies. And Momma misses you super bad those 2 days as well, baby.
You are so beautiful. Your lashes are so long and dark and your Daddy and I just stare at you... we have said that we could never have imagined you to be as perfect as you are.
What a fun month! We love you more than words can say.
Momma & Daddy
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I saw one of those e-cards on Facebook the other day saying something about how all these Moms are making Pinterest projects & gourmet dinners and I'm like "I took a shower today & didn't kill the kids".
I feel like that!!!
Life has sure changed, but it's not a bad thing! It's a matter of just figuring out a new way of life. This morning I got to take a long shower and actually shave my legs. Shave? What is that??
Somehow Mom can get Gage to take these 2 hour naps at her house, but this morning when I thought he was plum wore out after a fun morning of playing and a walk in our stroller.... he only stayed asleep for 30 minutes. I did have time to do some dishes, throw a load of laundry in, and pick up the living room. Just as I sat down to a semi-clean house and pumpkin candle burning, making me feel all cozy & inspired to blog, I see him squirming around on the bed. Oh hey there, Gager.
He is 11 weeks today! He is at such a fun age right now. I love it that he pays attention to his toys and loves when we read him books that have big pages with bright colors.
I am also feeling like I'm ready to attempt getting into a routine-- having a schedule. Obviously I'm not going to be strict about it, because there are plenty of days where we are out and about, and 2 days a week Mom watches him while I go to work. But I'd like to start doing some things at the same time each day to where maybe it will become predictable for him.
This morning after feeding him, I let him play on his playmat and listen to the Baby Einstein Pandora Station while I ate breakfast next to him and sang to him. Then we read books, and finally took a walk in his stroller. After his next feeding, I rocked him to sleep. He was tired for sure, as he had got really sleepy reading books and slept lightly the whole time on our walk. Hopefully this will be a time for a morning nap, whether it's 30 minutes or 2 hours (hopefully he'll catch on soon!) I still have to figure out what our afternoons might consist of that will be a daily thing. Hopefully it will include an afternoon nap as well, so I can start making some decent dinners! And I want to make bath time and when I put him down to sleep at night predictable as well.
So my question is to all you moms out there- when did your baby establish a routine? How many naps a day do they take? Any tips for me? Feel free to comment on here or on the link on my Facebook page! Thanks :)
I feel like that!!!
Life has sure changed, but it's not a bad thing! It's a matter of just figuring out a new way of life. This morning I got to take a long shower and actually shave my legs. Shave? What is that??
Somehow Mom can get Gage to take these 2 hour naps at her house, but this morning when I thought he was plum wore out after a fun morning of playing and a walk in our stroller.... he only stayed asleep for 30 minutes. I did have time to do some dishes, throw a load of laundry in, and pick up the living room. Just as I sat down to a semi-clean house and pumpkin candle burning, making me feel all cozy & inspired to blog, I see him squirming around on the bed. Oh hey there, Gager.
He is 11 weeks today! He is at such a fun age right now. I love it that he pays attention to his toys and loves when we read him books that have big pages with bright colors.
I am also feeling like I'm ready to attempt getting into a routine-- having a schedule. Obviously I'm not going to be strict about it, because there are plenty of days where we are out and about, and 2 days a week Mom watches him while I go to work. But I'd like to start doing some things at the same time each day to where maybe it will become predictable for him.
This morning after feeding him, I let him play on his playmat and listen to the Baby Einstein Pandora Station while I ate breakfast next to him and sang to him. Then we read books, and finally took a walk in his stroller. After his next feeding, I rocked him to sleep. He was tired for sure, as he had got really sleepy reading books and slept lightly the whole time on our walk. Hopefully this will be a time for a morning nap, whether it's 30 minutes or 2 hours (hopefully he'll catch on soon!) I still have to figure out what our afternoons might consist of that will be a daily thing. Hopefully it will include an afternoon nap as well, so I can start making some decent dinners! And I want to make bath time and when I put him down to sleep at night predictable as well.
So my question is to all you moms out there- when did your baby establish a routine? How many naps a day do they take? Any tips for me? Feel free to comment on here or on the link on my Facebook page! Thanks :)
Friday, November 9, 2012
hey blog, it's me again!
Well, well, well, look who is back!
After our internet being down for awhile and learning to do life with a baby- I am now welcoming myself back into the world of blogging! Oh, how I have missed it! There is just something about putting your thoughts down on... errr,the keyboard?
I could say so many things to catch up- but I won't. I'll just start from where I'm at now!
Currently, I'm sitting here with a glass of water gasping for air. I just did a short little 5 minute workout maybe and am dying. It was hard, I will not lie. It was one of those 20 squats, 10 burpees, 25 jumping jack, etc. etc.workouts. I died. This is Day 3 of exercise to get the baby weight off.... but that's another post.
Gage is currently wrapped up in his cuddly blankie and napping on my bed.I'm trying to take advantage of these nap times now, as before I just sat and held him and stared. I still want to, but my piles of laundry, unbrushed teeth,flabby body, and sandwiches for dinner really need to come to an end. Mom babysat here at my house the other day & I came home to a spotless house,napping baby, banana pumpkin bread fresh out of the oven, and supper in progress. Showed me up. I was like "how do you do that?!?" Superwoman, I tell ya.
Anway, a girl whose blog I read always writes her baby letters each month to capture all the things he is doing as he grows. I love the idea & hate to copy, but it's so sweet! And then you can print them off and give to him oneday! So here goes my rendition of it for Gage!!
see the 2 posts below....
1 month
You were born with your bottom lip all sucked up. It lookedlike you didn’t even have a bottom lip! We laughed so hard at your little face,it was just the cutest thing! We all thought your hair was curly like yourDaddy’s the moment you were born, but when it’s dry it straightens out. Whenit’s wet we still think there is hope that you might have some cute littlecurls J Youalso had a longer tuft of hair at the base of your neck, kind of like a little“tail” like I did when I was a baby.
We moved the crib into our bedroom (about 1 foot from myside of the bed lol) when you were just a couple of weeks old. Those first fewweeks I couldn’t sleep well because I was constantly staring at you watchingyou breathe J
The first time we took you outside the house you were twoweeks old and we took you to Top Rock Diner in the huge town of Alpena. It wasa Saturday night, we had no food at home, and your dad thought it would be funfor us all to go out to eat as a family for the first time. I, on the otherhand, was a nervous wreck the entire time worrying about you and could not evenenjoy dinner. You were just SO tiny in those early days and your car seatseemed to swallow you!
You were born with your bottom lip all sucked up. It lookedlike you didn’t even have a bottom lip! We laughed so hard at your little face,it was just the cutest thing! We all thought your hair was curly like yourDaddy’s the moment you were born, but when it’s dry it straightens out. Whenit’s wet we still think there is hope that you might have some cute littlecurls J Youalso had a longer tuft of hair at the base of your neck, kind of like a little“tail” like I did when I was a baby.
You were a hit right from the beginning. You had so manyvisitors at the hospital. Every fell in love with you on their first glance.The first night daddy was pretty conked out from labor & delivery (haha) sohe slept pretty soundly. Momma couldn’t sleep as much-so we stayed up all nighttogether & cuddled and that was the first step in us really bonding.
The day we brought you home we couldn’t figure out how tobuckle you in the car seat. The lactation consultant had to come into the roomand show us how to buckle your little body in the seat. That was just one ofthe many things we were clueless about as new parents! We had to laugh atourselves, because we felt like we had no idea what we were doing! Your daddrove home and was a nervous wreck every time we got close to another car. Wedrove 1 mile an hour coming down our driveway because we were afraid yourlittle head would bob around too much on the dirt road. Gram was here to greetyou & spent the first three nights with us so she could help me adjust tobeing a new mommy, teaching me all the tools of the trade J
You were so tiny that I was nervous at first picking you up,changing you, and feeding you! We kept you all swaddled up for the first fewweeks and you wore your hospital hat for the week at home. Finally I chilledout and realized you wouldn’t freeze to death if you weren’t dressed like anEskimo at all times!You screamed the first 3 nights and I realized later it wasbecause of the vegetable soup I had been eating- that had chili powder in it!Worst mom ever! I don’t even like to think about it now- how your little bellyhurt & it took 3 days before I realized it was what I was eating!!! Thanksfor forgiving me, son. J
Who knew a newborn could eat from a spoon? But you could!Before I had lots of milk to give you, it was important that you got every lastbit- so I would pump some and feed it to you by spoon in between feedings. Wegot such a kick out of you taking the spoon like a pro!Right from the beginning you have been our little “PooterTooter”. Your dad was astonished thatsomething that loud could come from something that little! You cracked us upeverytime you made a diaper J.
Bath time is Daddy’s favorite. The first few weeks we had togive you sponge baths. Around 2 weeks you had your first bath in your littletub and LOVED it! We would just use our washcloths to squeeze that warm waterout on you & you were in heaven! You seemed so content to be in that warmwater with us “oooing” and “ahhing” over you JWe moved the crib into our bedroom (about 1 foot from myside of the bed lol) when you were just a couple of weeks old. Those first fewweeks I couldn’t sleep well because I was constantly staring at you watchingyou breathe J
The first time we took you outside the house you were twoweeks old and we took you to Top Rock Diner in the huge town of Alpena. It wasa Saturday night, we had no food at home, and your dad thought it would be funfor us all to go out to eat as a family for the first time. I, on the otherhand, was a nervous wreck the entire time worrying about you and could not evenenjoy dinner. You were just SO tiny in those early days and your car seatseemed to swallow you!
You slept so much those first few weeks. You stressed Mommaout, little guy.
You were such a little man and I wanted to make sure I fed youall that you needed to grow, but I would literally have to rub you, talk toyou, and sometimes even strip you down to your diaper to keep you awake to eat.All you wanted to do was sleep! At 5 days old you had lost down to 5 lbs 15 oz.and at 2 weeks old you had just gained back up to 6 lbs 4 oz. I had to startfeeding you more frequently (ever 2 hours) and that seemed to do the trick! Ataround 2-3 weeks you had your first growth spurt and you wanted to eat nonstop!All we did was sit in our rocking chair and you ate all day.
The first month was mostly us learning the wholebreastfeeding thing together, lots of naps, and lots of diapers. And lots ofbeing up all night. But that’s ok- I was tired at the time but I wouldn’t tradeit for the world.
It only took one second for you to come in and steal ourhearts & totally rock our world! From the moment of your first cry, lifehas never been the same. But what joy you have brought your dad & I! Thefirst month was lots of learning and at the end of it we finally started tofeel comfortable in our role as parents. We aren’t as clueless. We can usuallyfigure out what you are wanting when you cry now and we have adjusted to ournew life as Mommy & Daddy.
What a month!
We love you, Gage!
2 months
Your second month has flown by! You have done so much changing this month it is unreal. It makes me sad actually!
You went from my tiny 6 lb baby to now probably closer to 10 lbs! At your 6 week appointment you weighed 8 lbs 8 oz, but since then have had your biggest growth spurt yet! At 7 weeks you started eating NONSTOP! It actually took me a few days to figure out what was wrong. For a couple of days you were fussy ALL day which is totally unlike you. I would feed you, change you, burp you, etc. and nothing worked! We were both crying by the end of day 2 and then I had an idea. After you ate, I gave you a little more in a bottle I had pumped earlier and just one more ounce did the trick! You were growing so much and so was your appetite! You were eating me out of house and home!!
That huge increase in your appetite and frequency of your feedings lasted about a week & by the end of the week you were noticeably bigger! It is crazy to me how fast you grow!
You have now started sleeping pretty consistently between 5-6 hours straight at night. Makes for a happy & more rested Momma that’s for sure! After you turned a month old, we moved your crib back against the wall, about 4 more feet away from my bed and that was a big step for us! Haha!
The most exciting thing this month has been to see your little personality develop. You are a morning person, like your Mom. You are always SO happy in the mornings and over the past week (week 7) you really began to smile at us. You love to lay down on your changing pad and have us hover over you and make silly faces & noises! You usually always smile when you are laying down looking up at us and it is just melts our hearts! Your dad can make this weird noise while he tickles your belly & that is your favorite, because it almost always makes you smile!
At about 6 weeks you became super alert, seeming to focus your eyes in on us when we talked to you. Now at 8 weeks, you can follow us across the room with your eyes and turn when you hear noises in certain directions. Especially your Momma, you can pick out my voice above all the rest. It sure melts my heart.
You LOVE music! When you are cranky we can sing to you & you will get so quiet and just look at us! Uncle Trev has also wrote you a lullaby song on the guitar and you love when he plays it to you. It’s so cute how still you get and it seems like you are just listening as hard as you can.
You LOVE to bounce! Music & bouncing are guaranteed ways to put you in a better mood.
You LOVE your Dad’s diesel truck. Whenever you are in it you almost instantly go to sleep. It’s really loud and it seems to vibrate, which you like. One day you were fussy and we drove around for awhile and you were happy again!
We have started taking you to the Alpena Park in your stroller. You also love your stroller, probably from the way it bounces you around some as we walk. We usually go eat at Top Rock and then take you down there and walk a mile or two. Daddy hogs the stroller- he always wants to push you.
You have went on many shopping trips with Mom & Gram now and you do so good! We’ve had many of nursing sessions and diaper changes in the backseat! But it seems like you like to be out & about, just like Mom.
Bath time is still a favorite here at the Smothers. Your Aunt Jess, Papa Keith, GiGi, Granny, & Poppa all have came over different times to watch you take your bath because you are just so cute doing it! You still love it & will usually pee on one of us in the process! You even pooped in there once & that was quite the experience for your Dad and I!!!
I went back to work when you turned 7 weeks and that was a sad day. I cried all morning getting ready. I went to load you in your car seat and you literally gave me the biggest smile you ever had. I bawled! Leaving you at Gram’s was hard too, but just because I would miss you. You are in such good hands with her—she is going to spoil you that’s for sure!!! Thank goodness I only have to work 3 days a week!
The mornings when I don’t work and we get to sleep in, I usually put you in bed with me after your morning feeding around 5:30 or 6. We get all cuddled up and dad usually joins in. Around 7 he has to sneak out of bed to get ready for work. Then he’ll come in and give us kisses before he leaves, and when we wake up he has a pot of coffee waiting for us. It’s the little things…. I looooove cuddling up to you. I put my mouth close to your head where when I breathe you can feel the warmth and you seem to love it, as do I breathing in your sweet perfect baby scent
We also love to kiss you. Nonstop. Your dad & I both. It probably annoys you, but we just can’t help ourselves. One day you’ll be embarrassed when we do that to you in public, so for now we’re getting all the kisses we can!
You were exactly 8 weeks old on Halloween & dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. I made you some chaps by cutting up some of your pants. You were so cute. You were fussy at Trunk or Treat at church, but when we came home you were all smiles sitting up on the couch with your stuffed Woody & horse!
The last few nights we have started rocking you to sleep and singing to you. The other night it took over an hour for you to finally go into a deep sleep, and by the end we had sang so many hymns and choruses it was crazy. But it is now my favorite time of the day. I love that you can be fussy and we can go sit in the rocking chair, pop in your paci, and sing and it calms you down. I could rock you forever, and sometimes I fall asleep and when I wake up we are both conked out in the glider and have been there for a couple of hours! Then I’ll lay you down in your crib and swaddle you. Of course, just from the waist down because you have to have your hands out. In all your ultrasounds, when you were born (literally), and from your first day outside my belly, you have always had those hands up by your face. So when I swaddle you, I leave them out. Because that’s what you like.
I love life with you. I could keep on writing about all the fun things that have happened this month, but I’ll end with this. This month you have got to be such a big boy and have been such a fun little guy to be around.
You are so loved, Gage Man
(aka: Gager, Gagey, Chunky Monkey, Skunk Butt, 410, Pooter Tooter, Dumplin’)

Your second month has flown by! You have done so much changing this month it is unreal. It makes me sad actually!
You went from my tiny 6 lb baby to now probably closer to 10 lbs! At your 6 week appointment you weighed 8 lbs 8 oz, but since then have had your biggest growth spurt yet! At 7 weeks you started eating NONSTOP! It actually took me a few days to figure out what was wrong. For a couple of days you were fussy ALL day which is totally unlike you. I would feed you, change you, burp you, etc. and nothing worked! We were both crying by the end of day 2 and then I had an idea. After you ate, I gave you a little more in a bottle I had pumped earlier and just one more ounce did the trick! You were growing so much and so was your appetite! You were eating me out of house and home!!
That huge increase in your appetite and frequency of your feedings lasted about a week & by the end of the week you were noticeably bigger! It is crazy to me how fast you grow!
You have now started sleeping pretty consistently between 5-6 hours straight at night. Makes for a happy & more rested Momma that’s for sure! After you turned a month old, we moved your crib back against the wall, about 4 more feet away from my bed and that was a big step for us! Haha!
The most exciting thing this month has been to see your little personality develop. You are a morning person, like your Mom. You are always SO happy in the mornings and over the past week (week 7) you really began to smile at us. You love to lay down on your changing pad and have us hover over you and make silly faces & noises! You usually always smile when you are laying down looking up at us and it is just melts our hearts! Your dad can make this weird noise while he tickles your belly & that is your favorite, because it almost always makes you smile!
At about 6 weeks you became super alert, seeming to focus your eyes in on us when we talked to you. Now at 8 weeks, you can follow us across the room with your eyes and turn when you hear noises in certain directions. Especially your Momma, you can pick out my voice above all the rest. It sure melts my heart.
You LOVE music! When you are cranky we can sing to you & you will get so quiet and just look at us! Uncle Trev has also wrote you a lullaby song on the guitar and you love when he plays it to you. It’s so cute how still you get and it seems like you are just listening as hard as you can.
You LOVE to bounce! Music & bouncing are guaranteed ways to put you in a better mood.
You LOVE your Dad’s diesel truck. Whenever you are in it you almost instantly go to sleep. It’s really loud and it seems to vibrate, which you like. One day you were fussy and we drove around for awhile and you were happy again!
We have started taking you to the Alpena Park in your stroller. You also love your stroller, probably from the way it bounces you around some as we walk. We usually go eat at Top Rock and then take you down there and walk a mile or two. Daddy hogs the stroller- he always wants to push you.
You have went on many shopping trips with Mom & Gram now and you do so good! We’ve had many of nursing sessions and diaper changes in the backseat! But it seems like you like to be out & about, just like Mom.
Bath time is still a favorite here at the Smothers. Your Aunt Jess, Papa Keith, GiGi, Granny, & Poppa all have came over different times to watch you take your bath because you are just so cute doing it! You still love it & will usually pee on one of us in the process! You even pooped in there once & that was quite the experience for your Dad and I!!!
I went back to work when you turned 7 weeks and that was a sad day. I cried all morning getting ready. I went to load you in your car seat and you literally gave me the biggest smile you ever had. I bawled! Leaving you at Gram’s was hard too, but just because I would miss you. You are in such good hands with her—she is going to spoil you that’s for sure!!! Thank goodness I only have to work 3 days a week!
The mornings when I don’t work and we get to sleep in, I usually put you in bed with me after your morning feeding around 5:30 or 6. We get all cuddled up and dad usually joins in. Around 7 he has to sneak out of bed to get ready for work. Then he’ll come in and give us kisses before he leaves, and when we wake up he has a pot of coffee waiting for us. It’s the little things…. I looooove cuddling up to you. I put my mouth close to your head where when I breathe you can feel the warmth and you seem to love it, as do I breathing in your sweet perfect baby scent
We also love to kiss you. Nonstop. Your dad & I both. It probably annoys you, but we just can’t help ourselves. One day you’ll be embarrassed when we do that to you in public, so for now we’re getting all the kisses we can!
You were exactly 8 weeks old on Halloween & dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. I made you some chaps by cutting up some of your pants. You were so cute. You were fussy at Trunk or Treat at church, but when we came home you were all smiles sitting up on the couch with your stuffed Woody & horse!
The last few nights we have started rocking you to sleep and singing to you. The other night it took over an hour for you to finally go into a deep sleep, and by the end we had sang so many hymns and choruses it was crazy. But it is now my favorite time of the day. I love that you can be fussy and we can go sit in the rocking chair, pop in your paci, and sing and it calms you down. I could rock you forever, and sometimes I fall asleep and when I wake up we are both conked out in the glider and have been there for a couple of hours! Then I’ll lay you down in your crib and swaddle you. Of course, just from the waist down because you have to have your hands out. In all your ultrasounds, when you were born (literally), and from your first day outside my belly, you have always had those hands up by your face. So when I swaddle you, I leave them out. Because that’s what you like.
I love life with you. I could keep on writing about all the fun things that have happened this month, but I’ll end with this. This month you have got to be such a big boy and have been such a fun little guy to be around.
You are so loved, Gage Man
(aka: Gager, Gagey, Chunky Monkey, Skunk Butt, 410, Pooter Tooter, Dumplin’)

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