Wednesday, January 4, 2012

AthLEANX Day 3

Day 3 into AthLEANX and I'm really sore. I like the program because the workouts are high intensity for about 30 minutes and then it's over. You don't really expect to be as sore as I'm finding you will be. But that's a good sign, because my muscles have not been sore in ages, which means they really have been used in ages. Which explains the lack thereof throughout my whole not-so-toned body.

But that's what this new program is for. And let me tell ya, the hubs and I are having fun at it. One of our things we've really been wanting was to find a hobby we both enjoy together. We're both always "into" fitness. Well, we used to be. Before we got married we never missed a day at the gym and we ate fairly well 90% of the time. Now our "into" fitness is more like us sitting around eating pizza saying "maaaan, we really need to start working out and eating healthy again." LOL. SOOOO I think it's gonna be good for us as a couple! We've laughed and enjoyed the mornings together. Plus, it gives me a chance to be a good wifey by packing his lunch & snacks for the day and making breakfast for us!

Working out is not the hard part for me. It's FOOD. Oh how I love food. Sweet foods, salty foods, greasy foods, spicy foods, tangy foods... okay I need to stop before I breakdown and eat a cookie. =] Last night, yes although it was only day 2, I was sitting on the couch while Ry had to run to the shop all alone. Watching Biggest Loser & craving something SWEET. See, this diet is mostly lean protein & veggies. The only carbs are 100% whole wheat (which I love) but they are limited for the most part. The carb-lover in me started dreaming about cinnamon rolls, donuts, etc. etc.
SOLUTION?= I logged onto Pinterest and looked at the Fitness page. It gave me the motivation I needed to push through! I had ate PLENTY that day, dinner was actually salmon, brown rice, salad, and mixed veggies. It was simply fighting off the cravings I usually caved into and knowing that my body was full of wonderfully healthy and yummy things already. Most of the time when I eat bad it's not because I'm physically hungry, but more that I WANT/CRAVE the food.

So we will see how this program works... or how long I last... =] Hehe, but I'm really hoping to complete it. Not for some vain reason, and not because I think you have to be "skinny" or "in shape" to be pretty. Honestly, it's so that I feel good again. I love feeling active and feeling like my body is strong. I love being able to run without dying every step. I love putting on clothes and actually feeling okay in them. And that's been awhile, so that's why I'm doing this! And simply to have a hobby with my hubby & enjoy some time for us in the mornings.

So wish us luck!

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