Wednesday, April 17, 2013

7 Months


I'm so behind on writing this one, but I haven't forgotten all of the exciting things that happened this month!

Your little personality continues to come out day by day! You at times are calm and laid back like your Daddy, but there are times you can be fiesty like your momma!!! Your little laugh fills our home with joy. You laugh the most when Daddy comes home and attacks you- at least that's what it looks like! He kisses you and tickles you from head to toe and you just squeal and laugh with delight! Sometimes you just scream you are so excited!

You said MAMA!!!!!! You say it when you are tired of something you are playing with and you want me to come get you and pick you up. It's sooo sweet. You mumble "ma ma ma ma" and then you'll say it clearly! I was so happy that I was your first word :) Of course, we're BFFs so I didn't expect any different!!

You are now wearing 6-9 months clothes.
Eating lots of fruits and veggies. Eating puffs like they are going out of style (you still have to have them broken into smaller pieces). You love to drink out of your sippy too! You eat three times a day and sit up like a big boy in your highchair. You love to make messes- if we drop even the tiniest of drops of babyfood, you spot it and smear it all around like it's so fun. You are doing so great with your fine motor skills, as you can pick up the little pieces of puffs really well!

At your doctor's appointment you weighed in at 16lbs and 5 oz., were 26.5 inches long. That is in the 25th percentile for weight and height.

You still don't roll much but are starting to scoot around on your tummy! We are just waiting for you to get those knees up under you and take off! Although I'm not near ready for you to be so big, so take your time sweet boy! (and the house isn't 100% babyproofed for a crawler just yet!)

You love going outside and playing. You still love animals and watching your puppies, cat, and cows that are in the field in front of our house. We hung your swing in a tree out in the yard and you love to swing. It's so funny you won't crack a smile when you are swinging hardly! You just lean back and look so relaxed! We try so hard to make you smile, with little luck! It cracks us up :)

You still love walks to the creek and seeing the water, and walks at the Harrison and Alpena park.

You had your first Easter and you were a HIT. In your little hat and bowtie everyone thought you were adorable, and you should have seen the proud faces of your Daddy & I. We think you are the best thing ever.

You are still sleeping 10-12 hours a night. Before bedtime you like a bath where you splash and kick like crazy, to be lathered in lotion afterwards, and then read books in bed with momma and daddy. You still like to be rocked to sleep. And when we are in bed at night you still love snuggling right up next to me. You stay that way all night. If I'm not touching you, you'll feel and reach around until you find me. Daddy likes to fall asleep with his arm over me and holding onto your little foot. I love being a family and enjoying lots of snuggles!

You sit up big in the cart now when we go shopping and going places is much easier now. You are such a good little guy.

I love you so much. I can't wait to see what these next months have in store, as you'll be crawling around in no time!

You are our joy.


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