Thursday, April 18, 2013

Being A Mom

Being a mom is hard work. Whew.

For me thus far, being a mom means being alone in the back room feeding your newborn while others are outside the door laughing and having fun. It means going to bed late, waking all throughout the night, and waking early as your little one gets their days and nights figured out. It means being peed on, spit up on, and knowing how to change those explosive diapers like a pro. It means having to say no to girls night out, skipping meals cause there is just no time to make yourself anything, and forgetting what a long, relaxing shower feels like. It means getting your dinner to go and eating it in the car because your baby threw the biggest fit everrrrrr and all the people in the restaurant stare at you like your beating the poor thing. It means learning to put yourself last and put the needs of a tiny person before any need or want of your own.

Now don't stop reading there.

Because being a mom ALSO means staring into the eyes of a tiny person that God created inside of you over 9 months & have your heart melt inside of you. Being a mom means your heart becoming more tender and crying sometimes just when you look at your baby because the love that you didn't even know was possible overtakes you. It means a tiny hand reaching over and grasping your finger. It means being that baby's favorite person- your voice, touch, kiss, and caress can calm them when no one else's can. It means missing them during naptime, even though you think you can't wait to get them down. It means wet slobbery kisses, big gummy grins, and laughter that fills your home and your heart. It means hearing "mama" and two little arms reaching for you. It means rocking your angel to sleep and never wanting to put them down. It means sitting back and staring in awe of that little one that is part of you and part of that man you love with all your heart. It means falling in love all over again everyday that those sleepy eyes wake up and meet yours with the biggest smile.

There is nothing in this world that would make me want to go back to my life before being a mom.
I was so selfish before Gage. He has changed my heart from the inside out.
Sure, some days are hard and I pray for patience and help a lot.
But the joys of motherhood outweigh any difficulty.

Being a mom means having the hardest, yet most wonderful job in the world.
Being a mom means being blessed beyond measure.

Thank you, Jesus for the day you made me a mom to Gage Beckham.

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