Saturday, August 25, 2012

37 weeks

I am 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow=
Gage could be here any day!!
I am ready. I have been miserable the past 2 weeks to say the least. I have never been a big napper, but I could literally (and have been) sleep the days away. Fatigue and exhaustion is what my body is feeling. It hurts to move. It takes me a good 3 minutes to roll over in bed and even longer than that trying to get into Ryan's HUGE truck!
This last week we had a scare. At our 36 week checkup when our doctor listened to his heartbeat on the Doppler it was elevated. She put me on the monitor there in the office and was seeing some concern as his heart rate was staying pretty elevated. I don't want to go into detail, because it was not something I like to think about as it was pretty stressful for this Momma! Needless to say, it was the ONLY appointment I've ever went to alone. Ryan had been sick the past 2 days and missed some work and was pretty behind. Since I thought it would be a quick little checkup I assured him, and my mom who offered to go with me since he couldn't, that I'd be fine.
So as I sat there alone with my baby possibly being in distress and the doctor telling me they were admitting me the hospital- I wanted to panic. I was inside, really. Thank goodness my nurses were amazing and stayed with me the whole time, even praying for me and Gage. They went above and beyond to make me feel comforted and not alone. At one point they left the room for maybe 5 minutes and as I sat there alone, the tears came....
But as they did so did the peace of the Lord. I was reminded of the day we found out we were pregnant and that morning in Sunday school the lesson was over the verses Psalm 139:
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
I have always viewed that as a promise, a reassurance to me.
It was like God confirmed to me that morning that yes, he was creating a precious little baby inside of me, and that He had already ORDAINED ALL OF MY BABY'S DAYS before one of them had even came to be!!
How awesome!
So as I sat there, I remembered those verses and knew that my baby was God's first. Gage is His precious child- one that He has a perfect plan for. God wasn't suprised at what was going on the day in the doctor's office and He already knew the outcome. I just sat there praying "God he is Yours, and I know you are going to protect and take care of your child. You love him even more than I do already.. and I trust You with him"
Looking back, I know that was probably the first of many prayers that will be prayed like that.
I'm a worrier. Everyone knows that.
And I'm sure there are going to be many things over our sweet boy's lifetime that I will want to panic about... but I have to remember, that even though he is my son, He is a child of God and God loves him so much more than I can even fathom! He is in control and going to take care of His child.
What a relief knowing that there is someone so much greater than me that is holding my little boy in His hands and protecting Him!
To make a long story short, after 3 hours of being monitored at the hospital and his heart rate was PERFECT the whole time, we got to go home. We had an ultrasound done that he scored perfect on as well.
I was so relieved! And so was Ryan- I doubt he will be missing any more doctors appointments :)
Now we are just waiting for Gage Beckham to make his big debut.
We are all SO ANXIOUS!
I can't wait to kiss those sweet little cheeks and feel his soft baby skin.
Our lives are TOTALLY about to change! I'm gonna have this little guy to be responsible for the rest of my life, Lord willing.
We were talking last night about how we can't even imagine the love that we are going to have for our little boy.....
So come on Gage, Momma & Daddy are so ready to meet you!

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