Wednesday, August 8, 2012

popsicle wednesday

This morning I'm just chilling on the couch, eating a popsicle and thinking of what all I need to do today before my afternoon nap. I have a baby coming in approximately 5 weeks and my house isn't exactly as prepared as I wanted it to be. But no worries, by September 16th we shall have professionally cleaned carpets, new smoke detectors, organized kitchen cabinets, and a guest room that is spotless and ready for guests. I have so much to do... and so little energy! Haha

Monday was our doctors appointment. I never get tired of hearing that little heartbeat! It's literally the most precious sound. It took her a second to find it on Monday because he wasn't positioned like she expected. The little guy is still transverse, almost headed BREECH...

When she told us that tears automatically popped in my eyes. I want SO bad to experience child birth-- is that weird? I really want to try and have him naturally with no epidural and pain meds... It's just something I have put my mind to and feel like it would be best for baby & myself. The thought of him not turning and having to have a C-Section really does terrify me. I know that God has a plan and however I have to have him will be fine in the end, but we are praying SO hard that he will turn. I've also looked up some exercises I can do that may help him turn. I'm telling ya, I will try everything! Even if it means going to a pool and doing handstands in the water haha :)

The anticipation of meeting our little man is growing. Ryan and I love to talk to my belly and watch him move around, but we cannot wait to have our hands on him and meet this little guy we've grew to love over the past 9 months.

On another note, I start NIGHT SHIFT tonight. Wah wah wah...

I have never worked nights and honestly since I've been pregnant I NEED MY SLEEP. I'm usually on the couch by 8 and in bed no later than 10. And now I'll be working 7 pm to 7 am.... any prayers for me to stay awake would be appreciated!! I hope I can do this. I think I can. I think I can.

I got some wonderful news yesterday. I talked to my mananger about maternity leave. I had heard some scary stories about just getting 2 weeks off and I was dreading the conversations so much- thinking she would tell me I could only have a couple of weeks off since I haven't built up any leave time yet.

When I asked she replied, "Well, how much time off were you thinking? You haven't built up any paid time yet."
Gulp. Great if I say 6 weeks she might not be happy.
"Well, isn't 6 weeks pretty standard??
"Actually it's whatever you can afford! I have had people take 3 months off! It's totally up to you!"

I won't be paid for my maternity leave, which is totally expected because I've only worked for around 2 months... but to hear her say I can take as long as I want really made my day!! Right now we are thinking I'll take 8 weeks off. And I feel SO BLESSED to be able to stay home with my little guy for his first 8 weeks of life. I think that will give both of us time to really adjust and figure this whole new way of life out :) And then I can go back part time to work and start helping our little family out financially again. That was definitely an answer to prayer!!


Two more things.
She Reads Truth has started a new plan, going through the book of Proverbs one chapter a day! I'm excited to do this 31 day plan and hopefully gain some wisdom from it :) Join us!!

I have signed up for a
Mug Swap
on one of the blogs I enjoy reading!
Go over to
to check out the details.
Today is the deadline to sign up & I am SO excited to have joined!!!! You should too!
Get a new mug & a new friend :)


  1. Ah!!! I am SO excited for you...for the baby, for the maternity leave, for the #shereadstruth, and for the mug swap!!! :] Can I just do a happy dance for you? HAHA!!! I will definitely be praying for your little guy to turn! You are a brave woman, not wanting any meds. :] I know you will be a great momma, and I'm excited to see pictures of the little guy when he gets here!! :] OH, and I'll definitely be praying that you stay awake for your night shifts! You go girl!! You can do it!

  2. Kays,

    I'll be praying for your endurance as you prepare for baby Gage to get here! It is so fun/exhuasting getting all the last minute things done around the house! Can't wait to see pictures of the little man! And, you will do wonderful on your night shift tonight! I am have already joined the mug swap too!!

    Miss you! If you are ever in ST.L you gotcha your family a place to stay:)

  3. Thanks so much for the enouragment from you sweet girls! Getting into this whole blogging thing has been really fun so far!!! And I LOVE reading both of your blogs- it's so encouraging to read about your hearts for the Lord, your husbands, families, etc!

  4. Kaysi- Praise God about the time off! What a joy! I am praying he will turn. I had my daughter with no epidural and natural. It was wonderful. I love following what God is doing in your life.
    Jenny L.
