Wednesday, May 15, 2013

8 Months

Gage Man,

So many things have happened this month! It was such a fun month. For one, spring is finally here and you were born to be outside. You love walks to the creek with the puppies, swinging in your swing that Daddy hung in a tree in our front yard, swinging on the porch swing, picnics in the yard, watching the puppies play, and riding in your wagon at Grump's and Gram's house.

On April 1st you said "Mama" for the first time! It came out so plain and clear and it just melted my heart! And since then you say it all the time! You mostly say it when you want me to come pick you up. "mamamamamama" is my favorite sound :)

This month you took your first trip to Silver Dollar City! You did great! You loved all the sites and sounds and you ate your first DipNDots. Speaking of ice cream, whenever we are out and about we usually find a place to stop or drive thru where you can have a treat of ice cream! I think you like McDonald's the best, just like your mom & dad!

You still aren't crawling but you can scoot everywhere- backwards! You will get up into crawl position all the time but you haven't' figured out how to get those knees moving.

One morning towards the end of the month you woke up and was playing in bed with Mama & Daddy and we were both laying on our sides with you in the middle. You reached over to your dad, grabbed ahold of his side, and UP you came! Your first time to pull up! Since then you haven't done it near as good completely on your, but you are definitely trying to. With just the tiniest help you can pull up on most anything.

You are eating lots of things now! You love for me or Gram to make you mashed potatoes and we've been adding chicken too. Your new favorite I made was the potatoes, chicken, steamed broccoli, topped with a little melted cheddar cheese. It was a hit! You gobbled it up! You love finger foods, and I'm trying to get more adventurous with those for you. You love to feed yourself! (last night you fed yourself cottage cheese and it was soo cute and funny!)

You got two teeth!!!! Your two bottom teeth came in within days of each other. You handled teething really well and wasn't overly cranky or fussy. When you did get upset, teething tablets seemed to do the trick. One night around 9:30 you couldn't go to sleep because your teeth were bothering you and so we gave you some teething tablets. Literally 10 minutes later you were bouncing all over the bed, standing up holding onto us and jumping, and laughing so hard. It was so funny! But you got so hyper that I ended up googling to see if teething tablets can do that to babies & a few other moms wrote in saying it made their babies extremely hyper. Let's just say it was a late night, but we got it on video and that'll be a night to remember!

You have been such a great napper lately. Most morning you sleep in until 8 or 8:30 and then you take a morning nap, usually 2 hours after waking, and an early afternoon nap (somewhere around 2 or 3). Most days when we are home and in our routine you nap anywhere from 1-2 hours! You nap in your crib, and you like to have 2 pillows on each side of you almost cradling you. I think it makes you feel cozy and like you are cuddled up to Mama.

Speaking of that, we love cosleeping! You are the biggest (littlest) cuddle bug!!!! You love to be snuggled right up against me and if I ever move you reach for me in your sleep and pull yourself right back to me. It's so sweet. Daddy sleeps on the other side of me and puts his arm over me and around you too. I love our little family, and you do too!

You are a joy. You love going out to eat a restaurants. You sit up like such a big boy in your high chair and usually you are in such a good mood when we're out and about! You love to take sips from out straws of Sprite, Water, and sometimes if I'm feeling crazy tea or Coke. New tastes excite you!

You are now wearing 6-9 months clothes, but the 9 months are starting to fit better now. I can tell you have grown so much this past month! You are wearing size 2 in shoes, but you don't like shoes and always try to rub your feet together and make them fall off :)

Your hair is finally getting longer and we think we're going to have a little cottontop like your Daddy was! I can't believe I had a kid that is going to have blonde hair and blue eyes, with mine being so dark!

You love seeing other babies and kids. You could watch them forever and then crack you up. You can spot them anywhere.

Some of your favorite things are:
Jumping in your jumper
Standing at your little activity table
Watching Big Bird, Elmo, Bubble Guppies, & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, although FINDING NEMO continues to be your favorite!
Taking walks
Watching puppies
Nursing (now every 3-4 hours since you are eating more solids)
Visiting grandparents

You bless us more and more each month. Daddy said "Gage has taught me a whole new love. I'd do anything to protect him" I'm the same way, Bubba. Our lives now revolve around making you safe and happy and we have never been more content. You are perfect. We love you more than you know.


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