Friday, August 12, 2011


A Joyful Noise! I wish that was what was continually coming from my mouth, but too often it's definitely not so joyous!! This is my first post in my blog, and I want to use this blog to share what God has been laying on my heart, what has been going on in my life, etc. etc. So let's start with what has been convicting me here lately, JOY (or the lack thereof).

I've been married for almost 2 years now (crazy how time flies!!) to my absolute best friend. No one can make laugh, cry, or feel free to be myself like Ryan can. He is 100% made for me-- my soulmate. So why do I sometimes find myself getting upset over the smallest things, being cranky, and making noises that aren't joyful (ex: nagging, whining, etc.)?? Especially when I have no legit reason to be?! FLESH. It's a daily battle to choose to be JOYFUL or to be SINFUL, not to mention a real pain to be around. Luckily, we do have a choice! But it does require work- and will always be a work in progress!! Let me share what I have learned recently:

Ryan has been working extra hard lately because he has been overran with business- what a blessing, right??!! Then why do I find myself whining that he is always working, and then when he gets home a lot of the times he is so tired he falls asleep early and there I am so anxious to continue our conversations, etc. Instead of being THANKFUL I have a husband that works to provide me this beautiful home, vacations, dates, AND allows me to be a full-time student and not work while I finish the RN program; I find myself being cranky, complaining, and feeling deprived of my husband half the time! This was beginning to make the time I had with him LESS FUN because I was constantly getting my feelings hurt over something/nothing! I know my attitude was hurting the situation, not helping it, and certainly not encouraging to Ryan!!

That's when I began reading "Created To Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl. I have been learning so much!!! Here is a blurb from the book that convicted me & helped me in my situation:

Practice makes perfect. Life is like that. Most people have practiced hitting the notes of bitterness, sourness, hurt feelings, and frustration so long that their soul finds the discordant notes easily, almost without thought. BUT you don't have to keep on practicing discord; you can practice JOY and THANKSGIVING just as easily, and certainly with more pleasure. Every day, every right response makes the fingers of your soul find the notes of JOY and thanksgiving easier and easier, until it is so natural people will begin to notice!

Learn to enjoy life. Be thankful. Smile. When you catch yourself becoming irritated at circumstances, stop and laugh at the little things that steal your peace. Count your blessings and learn to be appreciative.

It is amazing how much you MOUTH controls your soul. You can smile and with your mouth say, "thank you God, thank you husband, etc" and your spirit is directed into gratitude with joy following. THANKFULNESS IS HOW YOU THINK, JOY IS THE ABUNDANCE IT PRODUCES.

So today I am challenged to not let those negative thoughts come into my mind, stealing my joy! I will choose to be thankful and let that thankfulness produce joy in my life! We have so much to be thankful for- I know Satan tries to blind us from that and steal our joy! But today I won't let him and I will choose to fully enjoy life JOYFULLY! My prayer is that as I cultivate an inner attitude of joy that it will pour out of me into all my relationships, allowing me to be a more JOYFUL, enjoyable, and contagious person to be around!!!

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and BE YE THANKFUL. -Colossians 3:15

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff! Thanks for sharing! I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future!
