Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yesterday morning I was about to have a breakdown. For 2 weeks the pain hadn't gone away, but the past week had been excruiating pain 24hrs a day. None of my meds the doctor had given me were helping and I was about to have a panic attack, not to mention just sit down and cry. At this point, I really thought I had something seriously wrong.

So after the house was empty, I went to my bed and dropped to my knees. I knew I had to show God I was serious... and thanks to some great examples in my life I decided I was just going to stand on God's promises, bind the pain, loose healing, and I just said "God I know that your word says that if a prayer is said WITH FAITH the sick will be healed. Not might be, but WILL be." And after I prayed, I got up and began thanking Jesus for healing me. As I got ready, drove to town, etc. I kept saying "thank you Jesus for healing me"... even as the pain kept going... because FAITH without ACTION is DEAD. I really wanted to show the Lord my faith that day.

Also, I asked my facebook friends to pray for me & my family... AND yesterday I did have some much needed advice that led me to the chiropractor. He found that my neck is completely straight, without the normal curve, probably due to whiplash I got when the softball hit me. He should me how easily it could be pinching nerves that lead to one sided pain, tingling, pinching. So he did a lot of adjustments on me, showed me a certain pillow to sleep with, etc.

SOOOO here is the PRAISE! I woke up this morning for the first time in 2 weeks PAIN FREE!

I wanted to share this, because yesterday was one of the first times, as I told Ryan, that I prayed like "mom and meemaw" LOL but seriously got serious with God, began thanking Him for what He was going to do & then He DID! Not that its surprising, but it really showed me the POWER OF PRAYER and how if we really put our faith into action He has blessings for us!!! Thank you all for praying for me! I'm so excited, even though this seems little, it is huge for me because the pain was actually really starting to wear me down! So I am sooooooooooo thankful to the LORD this morning, I just had to share!!!!!!!!


  1. YAY!!! I'm so glad YOU ARE HEALED!!!!! WE serve an AWESOME God!!!

  2. It is so amazing to see how the Lord tests our faith so that we can persevere and mature in Him. It can be literally painful, but then we turn around, look back and thank the Lord for having us go through such situation. How ironic! But we serve such and AMAZING GOD. Im so encouraged by you Kayis, for turning to your God despite the circumstances! PRAISES BE TO THE LORD!
