Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spring is in the Air!

Today is a good day! The weather is gorgeous. How refreshing it is to drive with my windows down... not only did I drive with them down, I listened to some pop music, in my scrubs (I was leaving clinicals), and cramming Subway (yes, I had it AGAIN today) in my face. I passed someone I knew, then looked up and I had ranch all over my chin. Awesome. But nonetheless, not matter how uncool I was in reality, I felt amazing... and didn't even care that I had ranch all over my face :) I felt amazing beeeeeeeeeeecausse, it's starting to feel like SPRING! And because my sickness definitely seems to be subsiding!

I think I forgot what it felt like to not be nauseous 24/7, and ESPECIALLY what it feels like to have some energy. The past 3 days I have felt great! I'm hoping that this continues...

Speaking of pregnancy related things, I'm not really showing yet I guess you'd say, but my belly CANNOT be held in anymore. It's that little pooch I've always had x3 LOL... just enough to make me look fat. But that's ok, because it's going to lead a cute baby bump and I'm ecstatic that I can tell I'm growing, because that means our little one is, and I can't wait for him/her to grow enough to be able to come out and play :)

I do want my stomach to grow, but as for the accumulation of fat... not so much. Not gonna lie, when I was feeling sick nothing sounded good except stuff that isn't good for me. And I had NO energy to exercise, so I was kinda a bum for a few weeks. It didn't take me long to realize I DO NOT want to be this way throughout the pregnancy, and DO NOT want to gain tons of excess weight. Am I going to freak out if I gain 30 lbs? No. I know that you obviously gain weight with a baby on board, but what I'm trying to say is that I reeeeeeeaaaaally want to try to keep eating healthy and exercise every day, even if that means a 5 minute walk and some squats. I want to be HEALTHY. That is the main thing. I want to eat things that will benefit the baby, I want to stay active and fit so I can have an (hopefully) easier delivery that is (hopefully) as natural as possible. (More posts on that to come)....

It's hard to focus on anything. I'm so excited just thinking about my future role as a Mommy that I don't hardly care about anything else! Not good, because I still have 8 weeks of school that I need to push through. And then today I was told at the hospital that working PRN as a new grad isn't an option, because they like their new grads to being oriented a full 3 months and then go full time to get experience. Wah wah wah. I hardly care though, all I know is I HIGHLY doubt I can manage a fulltime job, aka three 12 hour shifts, with a newborn baby at home. To me, being a MOM is sooooo much more important. I'm sure I'd cry all 12 hours! SO please pray with me that God will open the doors for me a job that I could work parttime as an RN (1-2 days maybe) and be a fulltime mom the rest of the time. Big things coming, but so thankful I have a God I trust my life with and know that He has a plan!

I wish time would start moving along faster, but at the same time I want to enjoy every stage of this pregnancy! I'm going to start taking pics of the baby bump every week now that you can kinda tell it's growing :) I have so many ideas (thank you, Pinterest) that I want to do!!!

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