Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Thoughts!

This is our last Valentines Day as a family of two! Well, technically we are already a family of three, but this is our last one before our little one decides to come out and play :) It's almost bittersweet. Don't get me wrong, we are 100% COMPLETELY THRILLED with the fact that we're having a baby and would not change a thing. It is going to be a whole new chapter for us, which we are totally ready for, but closing this chapter also makes me a wee bit sad as well.

Over 2 years of the married life just the hubs and I has been so wonderful. We have taken this time to really get to know one another, to simply enjoy life together with lots of walks and talks, to take some AWESOME trips together, and to settle in a house that now is truly home to both of us. We have made a little family with just us and our puppies, and I know that I will cherish these years in my heart forever. It is the foundation of our life together, the time when we only had each other and grew so close.

So, I'm excited for a special Valentines tonight! We have so many great memories behind us, but so many more ahead of us to make! It's been so neat just dreaming about our baby, what he/she will look like, who he/she will take after, and what it will be like to have him/her in our arms....

Buuuuuut these first weeks have also been a challenge dealing with all the lovely things pregnancy brings HAHA. I have had NO energy and usually am nauseous starting about 10ish and throughout the rest of the day. My sickness has definitely been more like "evening sickness" as it really hits worse at night! I'm probably not the greatest joy for Ry to be around right now, but he has been so sweet to not let me know how moody I'm being LOL. It's funny though, because even though I don't feel good at all, I don't really care. Because I know that all this will be worth it! Hello, my body is growing a baby! No wonder I have no energy! And if being sick is a good sign, I'll happily take it :) Sometimes I wish I felt like myself again, but in just a few weeks I should again... and our sweet baby is so worth it all. I still can't believe that we're going to have one! Ahh!

So, next Valentines Day we should have a 5 month old to be celebrating with... I know already that it's going to be even more special because there will be even more love in our home.... and I can't wait :)

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