Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Weight x2

Blaaaaaaaaaaaah! What a week! Nursing school has definitely gotten the best of me lately- just in time for our ONE week without a test... I can't wait to relax and get some much needed "me" time in this coming week! It's off to a good start-- tomorrow lunch with my best friends & Saturday we're having a nursing class fall party for all the girls to bake, have cider & lattes, and just hang out, then one of my best friend's wedding showers... Exciting stuff!

A few posts ago I wrote about the "happy weight" that has snuck up on us..... It seems SO easy to gain & SO hard to get off. Being so busy I've had so much trouble getting back into a consistent exercise program- the eating has been pretty good for the most part, but then there are weekends when we go out or have special occasions... and it's so easy to just grab some of that yummy stuff...

I need some motivation.

I want to get back into a consistent running/workout schedule... but it's sooooo hard!!!
Ryan said that if we start getting up every morning and working out that in 2 weeks it will become habit. It's just SO HARD especially when my bed seems so cozy!! Sooo... MOTIVATE ME PEOPLE!!! I'm going to start tracking my progress on here, maybe that accountability will help. So maybe, just maybe I'll start posting interesting articles on health & exercise that will help us along the way :)

1 comment:

  1. Could you please move closer to me? ha! I need motivation too!
