Monday, October 3, 2011


Finally my fingers touch a keyboard again :) Ah, I have been dying to blog lately and with a crashed computer that just wasn't happening. I'm visiting mom's today for a walk and some chai tea and thought I'd squeeze in a quick blog! I could go on about the stress/confusion of nursing school but I'd rather talk about the lighter things of life! Like this beautiful weather, my sweet husband, and the life of newlyweds. Of course, I say we are newlyweds- but we are coming up to our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Holy cow! It literally seems like yesterday... It's so cliche, but time really does fly when you are having fun.
The other day I stopped to think about how blessed I really am. I feel like I have this genuine bond with my husband that didn't exist even in our first few months of marriage. Love takes work, but honestly, as we have grown closer as a couple learning each other more and growing closer to the Lord, we seemed to have this sweet appreciation of one another. I love when I look over at my husband and he gives me the sweetest smile and holds me close... it's something that goes deeper than that superficial glance- it's something that God put together, something we couldn't have made on our own, something I'm so thankful for. It's kind of hard to explain- almost something spiritual, knowing God is smiling down on what He has put together. I'm just thankful for 2 years with my best friend and being able to learn more about our roles in this marriage and being more in love & excited today than we were 3 years ago when we were meeting in Branson to go on our first date :)

Ok, ok, enough about the mushy married talk LOL I know I blog about that a lot- it's just that it's been a major adjustment in my life learning to be a WIFE! And, I may be getting excited to CELEBRATE these 2 years on November 7th <3

Anyway, God has been doing something so sweet in my life- something I have needed for going on 3 years. After my dad got hurt, I lost my 3 year old cousin, and then a close friend of ours- anytime a hard time came or something sad, it was like I couldn't even get a tear out. My heart had numbed and was hardened toward the things that used to break it. It frustrated me!! Sometimes I just wanted to cry or genuinely just feel sorry for someone, and even though I knew I should and wanted to, those legit feelings couldn't come about. Lately, things have been slowly seeming to touch me more, and it's almost as I feel my heart softening! Tears have came to my eyes for things that should! For unsaved souls, for children in bad situations, for the Sprit moving in a church service, for the movie Courageous (it's a MUST SEE btw!)... I have just been thanking the Lord for softening my hear to these things again... bc honestly I have wanted that part of me back for so long. After going through some really hard times, I felt callused, but I know for God to use me and to move in me my heart needs to be soft and sensitive to the things of God- things that breaks His heart as well.

I love the song Hosanna by Hillsong... my prayer today are these lyrics:

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I go from nothing to eternity...

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