Thursday, October 27, 2011

He Is Constant

FINALLY! My blog's makeover is complete. Doesn't it look cute?! Much better. I was needing a change.

Speaking of change, that's what I'm blogging about today.

I could write 15 whole pages over how my life has changed these past few years, but I'll spare you. Not to say change is necessarily BAD, it just takes ADJUSTMENT. And sometimes it can simply stress you out, even if in the end it's a good change. Even right now, the season/weather is changing. Change is something we will deal with our whole lives. Yearly, Monthly, Daily, Hourly, Secondly (is that a word? lol). Today I was feeling a little overwhelmed with some of the changes in my life. Frankly, I was driving home to an empty and messy house today and was a little cold from my lack of a coat due to this weather change... and I thought: "man, all I want to do is go to Sarah's and walk, have cofffe, and be with my best friends like I could do so easily when I lived at home." Thinking about it made me sad for a moment. But wait, you love your new life being married, having a home of your own, a little farm perfect for walks, etc.!! Of course I do... but it doesn't mean that the whole CHANGE that went along with it doesn't hurt my heart sometimes.

Sometimes I wish I was still 10 years old and the only worries were getting off school to drive 1.2 miles down the road to Sarah's house to "play" like we did EVERYDAY and then come home to Mom and Dad's for a big supper, Dad WALKING in the door with his UPS browns on, little Trevy actually being LITTLE, and enjoying a night as a family. I could go on... and it's not that I dislike where I am now, I actually LOVE it. It's exactly where I need to be in my life. BUT the change that went along with getting here was tough at times. Get the idea of things?

So I said ALL of that to share this: While I was driving home, having that thought, feeling a twinge of sadness about the way life had changed, three words popped into my head.


It was like a breath of fresh air!


When life around us is changing, and will continue to the rest of our lives here on earth, we have a FATHER who is CONSTANT. Never changing. Always that safehold, strongtower, and refuge to run to.

What a beautiful thought!
I hope that thought encourages you today as it did me!

Malachi 3:6
“For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.”

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