Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Iron Sharpens Iron

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

Today I was thinking about just how thankful I am for the role models & enouragers in my life. There are a few special people that God has blessed me with that I look up to wholeheartedly. I can say with confidence that as I look to them as an example, it is as if looking to Christ as one because their life is such a reflection. The impact they have on my life is huge.

I was blessed with a very godly heritage of women in my life. I have always called my Meemaw (mom's mom) my angel. If anything is ever wrong at all, we say "call Meemaw to pray". What a testimony that is in itself! I, and my whole family, know that she is a pray warrior that is so close to the Lord. Not only is it just that she'll say a prayer for us, but she BELIEVES IT. Her faith is unlike anyone's I know. She fully trusts on Jesus in every situation and is not shy in doing so. We can be driving down the road and she will just pray out loud over whatever situation is going on, whether its a simple headache or we're talking about something huge that's going on in our lives. Also, she's been a nurse for almost 40 years and has led many many of her patients to the Lord.... another reason I aspire to be like her.

Then there is my Granny- dad's mom. Another tried and true prayer warrior. I have seen her drop to her knees many of times in prayer, and have some wonderful memories of her in the kitchen cooking and singing old gospel songs. The thing that sticks out to me is her love and devotion to her family. Her husband died when he was in his early 30's, leaving her with her 3 young kids. She could have done many things, but she chose to devote her life to loving her family and being faithful in church. I never met my grandpa, but I know the love she had for him. I've seen her cry like it was yesterday that she lost him when talking about him, making his favorite pie, or telling about a dream she had of him. Unconditional love is something she has taught me. She raised her children to be godly parents as well- and for as long as I can remember has been cooking for and serving her family... I've heard her testify in church so many times the verse in Hebrews "He will never leave us nor forsake us" and I know that is the promise that has been her mainstay thru the trials she has faced in her life. I will always take that with me!

Then there is my mom. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know, always worrying about someone besides herself, doing something for someone besides herself. A true servant. She taught me so much growing up, and was my biggest support. I've always enjoyed our conversations sitting around the house or taking a walk- she always listens to my dreams and my concerns and knows how to encourage me. I have never seen a better wife either, and I only hope I can live up to that. Thank goodness I have such a great example of what it is to love your husband, be submissive, and see God's blessings from that. She makes me want to be a better person and I'm so thankful for the way she raised me and loved me, even when I didn't see that she really is my best friend. Her servant heart definitely reflects Christ and her strength in being a Proverbs 31 lady is a huge example to me.

I have a lady that has been "my second mom" as I was at her house almost everday growing up playing with her girls. Pollyanna has set the highest standard of being a homemaker- and I look to her as being such a wonderful mom and wife. She is so thrifty and can make the cutest things. She sews, cooks, decorates, makes handmade cards, knits... I could go on and on! I look up to her so much as she has raised such godly girls and is such a wonderful wife. Another Proverbs 31 lady in action for sure! Now that I have a house and husband of my own, I definitely look to her as a role model and example as she has looked to Lord for knowing how to be such a wonderful person.

Finally, there is one lady that has been so amazing to meet with me over the years for coffee or lunch and has really been a mentor in my life. Her words are so comforting and encouraging, and never condeming. She sets an example of having an intimate relationship with Jesus- spending time with Him daily and the treasures found in His word. I am so appreciative of our friendship- just by talking to her I want to be a better person!!! I would definitely say she is a mentor to me, she prayers for me, sends me little texts of encouragement, and is a wonderful role model in how she lives her life. I'm very thankful for Jennifer Usrey!!

So, it felt good to just write about the ladies in my life that have impacted me, sharpened me, and encouraged me to be a better person simply in the way they live their life. I only pray that someday I can be that kind of example for someone!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post!! I love this and what an amazing way to honor your family! I loved seeing you all at Romance last month! Have a wonderful day-Whitney Jackson
